Good News / Bad News

>> Saturday, April 26, 2014

GOOD NEWS: Yesterday, Henry and I built this:

"Is it level, Buddy? It is? Good!" I didn't have the heart to tell him he was doing it wrong.

A corner seat.

His new sandbox! (Henry's currently studying a worm.)

First of 2 leveled veggie beds for the 3' strip of land behind our garage. A row of those
pavers will go down next to the beds, and that will be RIGHT to the edge of our property.

The sandbox is 12 inches deep, and 5x7 feet. I need to sand it, round over the corners a bit, seal it, lay down some landscape fabric, and fill it with about 25 cubic feet of sand. Henry's PUMPED! (Oh, and the raised veggie beds are 12" deep, and 1.5 x 8.5 feet. There will be 2 end-to-end back there.)

BAD NEWS: I'm not doing the indoor triathlon tomorrow. My ankle LOOKS a lot better, and it seems to be slowly getting better, but I can NOT run on it. I tried swimming last Friday, and I couldn't push off the walls or kick. So it wasn't really "swimming." (I haven't been in the pool since, but I'm sure it'd be a fair amount better.)

I tried running on Wednesday, and I had sharp pain RIGHT away on the inside/top of my foot. I was expecting a bit of an ache, but that sharp pain was new. I couldn't even get through the straightaway on the indoor track at the Y - I ran (and it was "limpy") for about 20 seconds. I was used to my ankle being sore (and sore to the touch) just above my ankle bone, so to have this sharp pain appear in a totally different spot really threw me for a loop.

Time for just more rest. I have a doctor's appointment next week just to check that everything's really OK in there.

But Pharmie is doing the indoor triathlon tomorrow (37.5 weeks pregnant), and Henry and I will be there to cheer her on! So stop back for some fun photos of her racing!


Unknown 7:26 PM, April 26, 2014  

Go see your chiropractor about the ankle. They can do wonders with the ankle! Without mine, I don't think I would have healed properly.

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