Minnesota Governor Proclaims April 25th as “Finisher Shirt Friday”

>> Thursday, April 24, 2014

Here's part of a press release from Governor Dayton regarding this Friday (parts bolded by me):

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton has proclaimed Friday, April 25 “Finisher Shirt Friday” in the state at the request of Twin Cities In Motion (TCM), organizers of the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon and year-round running events in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

The proclamation, which will be posted on the Governor’s Office website later this week, notes Minnesota’s residents’ recognized commitment to health and fitness, the coming of spring which finds people showing renewed passion for outdoor fitness activities, and the role event finisher shirts play as emblems of pride and celebrations of achievement. The Finisher Shirt Friday proclamation also spotlights this week’s Boston Marathon and its role in helping to mend the running community after the tragedy at that event a year ago, citing “an overwhelming desire to unite as runners and help heal our running community.”

“We’re grateful and humbled that the governor has chosen to recognize race finishers with their own special day,” Twin Cities In Motion executive director Virginia Brophy Achman said. “Runners often see their accomplishments as private, personal achievements, but their individual triumphs also serve a community-building purpose which I’m honored the governor has acknowledged and emphasized.”

Twin Cities In Motion invites runners to wear their finisher shirts on Friday to celebrate their achievements and to inspire others. Finisher Shirt Friday celebrators are encouraged to share photos via social media, describe the significance of their accomplishment, and tag TCM on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The hashtag for the event is: #FinisherShirtFriday.

I'll try to wear a few throughout the day, and I'll post some on Instagram tomorrow. Fun idea!


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