2 Bike Rides!

>> Saturday, April 12, 2014

Finally. Winter seems to be over. I went on 2 rides this past week!

On Sunday, I went 16 miles on my loop along the river. It was bumpy, there was lot of schmutz, but it was great to get out! I made it up Ramsey SEATED all the way - not a big deal in August, but something I was pretty happy about on the first time on my bike in 5.5 months. I wonder if all this PT and eccentric leg exercises at the gym will help my short-distance bike speed this year - we'll see.

I had a 20.5 mph ave at the edge of downtown St. Paul before making the big climb back up Ramsey, and I rode the rest of the way home a bit easier, ending with a 19.2 mph ave.

Then on Thursday, I used my lunch break between my 2 classes to get in a quick ride. I did the same loop along the river, but added in an extra out-and-back long the Big Rivers Trail in Mendota Heights. It was WINDY on that ride!! My final 4 miles home were STRAIGHT into the wind. My phone showed me how bad it was:

The mid-day news said we had 36 mph gusts once I finished.
I had to close my mouth across bridges and open areas or I'd get a mouthful of blowing dirt.

A very random pace graph because of a very windy day.
(Into the wind from 20-30 mins, and from 55-the end.)

Hopefully I'll be able to start riding a bit more now! (Remember, I showed some photos last week of the foot of snow we just got! Glad that's all gone!) Happy Spring!


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