My Pregnant Wife at Her Triathlon Yesterday

>> Monday, April 28, 2014

As I mentioned in Saturday's post, I was still much too injured to race. I couldn't even run 3 steps without major foot/ankle pain. Here's a reminder of what it looked like 2 weeks ago:

But my wife was in FINE shape to race! Sure, she was 38 weeks pregnant, but she was ready to take it easy and just have a good time at the YWCA of Minneapolis Indoor Triathlon:

Ready to race!

Just the normal transition stuff: shirt, run shoes, bike shoes, water bottle,
and a big tan "belly band" to help hold up our baby.

From my Instagram: "Pregnant Pharmie about to start the Indoor Tri!!"

A few seconds after the start.

I took her 100 splits for the heck of it. She swam 2:01, 2:15, 2:17, and 2:16 to finish the 400 yard swim in 8:51. And she requested an outside lane so she could use a ladder to get out of the pool. For obvious reasons.

Mama and baby putting on a shirt in T1!

Did I mention she was the FIRST IN HER WAVE TO GET ON A BIKE?!?! Rockstar.

Pharmie's joked that in BOTH of her recent indoor tris, NO ONE has wanted to bike
next to the pregnant woman! She's all by her lonesome to the far left.

Henry in his track suit (yes, we planned that) stealing some of Mama's water.

Running! She was doing the "mini sprint" which had a 1 mile run (8 laps).

High five!

About half way into the run, Henry missed his high five with Mama... (continued...)

... so Mama stopped and backed up to make sure he got his high five! Precious seconds were wasted.

Anne introduced herself to me pre-race - she's a blog reader. NICE WORK, ANNE!
And nice to meet you!

Pharmie leading a group (including Anne) around the track.

From my Instagram: "Last lap at the Indoor Tri!!!"

Obligatory hitting-your-watch-at-the-finish-line photo.

A hug for Mama just after she finished.

Off to the goodie table to get a snack.

Pharmie (post-race) and a co-worker who was about to start in the next wave.

Henry zonked out on the way home with Mama's finisher's medal around his neck
(that's the orange ribbon).

Comparing her finish from a few weeks ago with her finish yesterday, she actually PRed yesterday! Her swim and run were slower yesterday, but her bike was a bit faster. With all that added together, it leads to an (unofficial) PR by about 10 seconds! Congrats Mama!


Cynthia @ You Signed Up For What?! 10:17 PM, April 28, 2014  

Your wife is my hero! I could not move like that during my pregnancies. :)

Unknown 3:31 PM, April 29, 2014  

You should be a very proud spouse, Steve! I seldom see pregnant women, at her 38th week, finishing a triathlon. Kudos to your lovely lady! I’m pretty sure you won’t have any problem in her delivery ‘cause she has a fit and healthy body. Two weeks to go, guys. I’ll be looking forward to seeing your new baby. :)

Adam Heller

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