Tractors, Family, and Superman

>> Monday, April 21, 2014

Here are a few quick photos from Easter. Pharmie had to work, but Henry and I spent 2 days at Grandpa and Grandma's. Easter started with a s'more at the neighbor's on Friday night:

First s'more of 2014, and possibly Henry's first s'more EVER.

Henry and I getting a ride in Great-Grandpa's big tractor!!
(He's holding his treat from Great-Grandma.)

Climbing up to see the cows!

Great-Grandpa and Superman watching the cows.

Henry could have climbed around Great-Grandpa's farm all day.

Baby ducks! (We also saw chickens, sheep, and baby lambs!)

Back to Grandma's house (my Mom) for a nap.

Heading out to the shop to see Grandpa and play with his "toys."

In Grandpa's new loader tractor.

Henry and I went for a drive!

This one is blurry because I asked Henry if he wanted to steer, and he ONLY starting cranking
on the wheel sharply to the left! I had to grab it before he destroyed Grandpa's lawn!

Climbing around another one of Grandpa's tractors.

The cousins having a pre-Easter Dinner snack at Great-Grandma's house.


Watching the kids on the treadmill while Henry stands on a ladder to watch.
And there are my feet up on the couch, relaxing. Yeah, I'm good at watching kids.

Finding his final egg in the Easter Egg Hunt at Great-Grandma's.

Henry's spending another night at his other Grandma's house (Pharmie's Mom), so excuse me while I go get a lot of stuff done over the next 24 hours I have left without him! :)


Sparklinglady 11:09 PM, April 23, 2014  

i can hardly stand how cute henry is!!!

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