Anyone Want to Workout With Me This Weekend?

>> Thursday, April 10, 2014

My brother-in-law Matt and and his fiancée Angela are coming over on Saturday morning to do that awesome/horrible run/bike/run/bike/run/bike/run/bike duathlon workout with me. Want to do it with us? Here's Matt and Angela from the Waseca Triathlon about 1.5 years ago:

Those 2 = adorable.

That short little indoor triathlon about a month ago has been my only hard running since August, but I think this workout will be fine. Oh, and I went on my first bike IN A LONG TIME this past weekend:

I survived 15 miles along the river. Barely:

I hope to go for another ride today, and then try this duathlon workout this weekend. Matt and I have done this workout a lot together - probably about half the time I've done it with him (which is surprising because I'm usually a solo trainer). Last August was the last time we did this (it was a few weeks before I got injured). Here's Matt sweating it out in our old garage just before we leveled it last fall:

It was easier to tear down our garage and start over than it was to clean up that sweat pool.

Let me know if you're interested in working out with us Saturday morning - you're welcome to come over! There's a chance of light thunderstorms in the morning, so we'll see if we get a little wet on the runs. Matt and Angela aren't too excited about that. (Frankly, I'm not either.) I'll post about it on Saturday or Monday. (Here's the details of the workout from last August if you're curious about it. It's killer, but very do-able. It doesn't FEEL like a long workout, but it does a lot of good for shorter event prep, like duathlons or sprint tris.)

I've been meaning to post a few of these links from my other blogs for a few weeks now. I might as well just dump them all here.

Seven of my pieces were just in a exhibition at Hamline University. Here are some photos from the opening reception that I think I linked before, but I never linked these photos that I took of the show the week after the reception.

If you've ever worked in Photoshop, you'll love this. made a tutorial (as they always do), but they did a tutorial for Photoshop 1.0, and it's AWESOME. His sarcasm is so powerful.

Henry and I recently took advantage of a sweet lunch deal at Lynden's Soda Fountain here in St. Paul. I love me a good homemade soda. Oh, and speaking of soda, I recently tried Peanut Butter and Jelly soda. It wasn't as bad as I expected...


Shinianen 1:19 PM, April 10, 2014  

Speaking of soda fountains... have you been to St. Paul Corner Drug on St. Clair & Snelling? I used to work there as a soda jerk in Highschool. Used to be (even in the 90's) that you could get nickel coffee and 25 cent ice cream cones. They make ice cream sodas from scratch (cherry, chocolate, some other flavors). Yum!

Steve Stenzel 1:20 PM, April 10, 2014  

Shinianen, I know about that place, but haven't stopped!! Henry and I will have to swing by sometime soon… Thanks!

Shinianen 2:44 PM, April 10, 2014  

It's not too fancy, but still a fun place for a kid.

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