Friday Funny 701: An HONEST College Advertisement (and Funny Links)

>> Friday, April 04, 2014

This feels like most college ads out there (and EVERY "for profit" college ad EVER):

Direct Link

Finally, as I do every few weeks, here are some funny posts from my tumblr page from the last 2 weeks:

Athletic-related funny things:

It turns out money CAN buy happiness.

Joggers vs Runners.

I didn't go to the gym today, but...

Winter swimming.

Me walking around the gym.

Finishing a marathon.

[GIF] Killer treadmill workout.

[GIF] I don't know what sport this is, but this girl is really in to it.

[GIF] An odd skill to have on the bike.

Cute way for a runner to propose.


If you like some strong, beefy men, check out the New Zealand "All Blacks" as one of my "hard bodies of the day."

I'm kinda this guy. (Just a touch.)

Wait... 26.2 miles?!?!

Have a "fancy time" at the gym.

[GIF] What is this cheerleader doing?!?


Backstroke start.

A kid's bike helmet fail.

Hemingway on cycling.

Notes for a bike race.

Non-athletic funny things:

What's in a fish fillet? McDonalds doesn't seem to know.


[GIF] Just one spoonful of ice-cream.

Minnesota during last night's 12-inch snowfall.

There's a time and place for decaf coffee.

My favorite pun.

I can really relate to Gru from "Despicable Me."

[GIF] Appropriate response to this text message.

The TASTIEST April Fools gag.

Cute things to call your boyfriend / girlfriend.

The best Pizza Hut sign.

Superhero condom ads.

Nerdy and awesome: the math dance.

[GIF] Lady time.

[GIF] This is a perfect skateboard fail.

My life in 11-16 years.

Guys: advice if your wife is pregnant.

[GIF] Ron Swanson tries a banana.

Screw you recommended serving size.

How to poop.

Lesson I've learned.

Once you go black...

Remember, Jesus did this.

What's at the end of a rainbow?

[GIF] How Russians are born.

And as always, stop by for funnies all week long. Happy weekend!!


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