4 April Fools Gags

>> Wednesday, April 02, 2014

• ONE: Caribou Coffee CLEAR: because Pepsi Clear went over so well.

• TWO: this guy and his gum stash:

• THREE: Photo fools: There were a lot of photo-related April Fools going around yesterday. Two of my favorites were this contact lens that lets you take photos just by blinking:

... and Noika's new phone that brought back the 3310 model but added a 41 megapixel camera and (most importantly) "Snake 2.0:"

• FOUR: Perfume from Oiselle: Introducing Swassy, Eau de Exercise, for when you don't have time to run. "Now you can smell like you did."

(Lauren Fleshman lounging in bed? Thank you, Oiselle.)
Direct Link: http://youtu.be/vXrVRhOmiTo

If you remember, GU had some great April Fools jokes in the past few years. Click here to check out their disgusting delicious sounding GU flavors, as well as a "topical electrolyte and energy gel" that you just rub on your skin. Awesome.


Shinianen 3:52 PM, April 03, 2014  

So, this isn't really tied to the above post... but have you heard about this run?! It seems like it's up your alley...


Steve Stenzel 5:14 PM, April 04, 2014  

Oh dear Lord, Shinianen - that's AWESOME!!

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