Updates from Henry in Snowy Minnesota

>> Thursday, February 27, 2014

A week ago, we got another dumping of snow. Minnesota is shaping up to have one of it's top-5 coldest winters on record: our average high right now is above freezing, and we're looking at highs in the single digits all week (actually, our high temps will be BELOW 0 for a few days coming up). Any day this winter that has been "average" has felt like heaven!

At least Henry doesn't mind the snow. He's always out helping me. Here are some Instagram photos from the snowstorm late last week:

"Daddy's little snowstorm helper." Thanks for bringing your hoe, buddy.

"Henry blazing a trail back to civilization. #NoFilter"

On Friday, it was 10 below windchill, so (naturally) Henry and I went for a hike.

Shadow Falls!! (Mostly frozen.) Henry loved it!

I didn't instagram these next 3 photos, but here's a bit from our hike to the falls:

Cold sun up the valley walls.

A few times, I had to convince Henry to blaze a trail for me. He'd knock down a lot of
the ice and snow, and then I'd come through. THIS IS WHY PEOPLE HAVE CHILDREN!!

Another photo showing a bit more of the frozen falls.

We got home, warmed up, and then headed back out to do more shoveling.

The pile of snow along our sidewalk is getting P-R-E-T-T-Y high.

Stop back this weekend, because I'll be posting a GIVEAWAY. It's some pretty awesome "nerdy" stuff.


Robyn 9:36 AM, February 27, 2014  

These are awesome! They almost make winter look fun. (I say this as someone who loves winter... within reason. This weather's starting to get to me, though!)

Carolina John 11:29 AM, February 27, 2014  

wow, really cool shots Steve! Hang in there, spring is right around the corner.

Bikerpete 4:42 AM, February 28, 2014  

LOL ... nice pictures!
That toddler enjoys the snow.

Germany is within one of the warmest winters. Just a few days with a minimum of snow.
Too bad: My guys got new sleighs and we have no snow. :-)

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