Some Family Instagrams

>> Wednesday, February 19, 2014

We had a lot of fun this weekend. Henry and I went sledding with his cousin Evie and uncle Jon:

"Cousins on a sled!"

"Uncle Jon and cousin Evie!"  There's a sled under there somewhere...

"The sled got *pretty* filled with snow by the end of the run...."  Seriously, this was our sled full of
snow after going down a hill that hadn't been touched all winter. Nearly 3 feet of powdery snow!

Later that day we went bowling with Henry's other cousins:

"Henry's FIRST throw ever at a bowling alley!!!"

Because I'm a horrible father, I can't tell you Henry's final score from his first ever round of bowling. Oops. Something around 70. Over 60, I'm pretty sure.

Then the next morning (Monday), we got MORE snow. Henry and I got some groceries before going sledding with his "daycare ladies."

"Henry 'helping' to unload groceries. Thanks bud."

"Second day in a row of awesome sledding!!"

Here's a quick video of 1 of his many wipeouts on the awesome speedy little sled from the neighbors:

All wipeouts ended with giggles! Direct link:

(I'm totally doing the "if I laugh maybe my son will laugh and not cry instead" thing.)

Oh, and one final image: here's a photo that my wife POSTED ON FACEBOOK last night:

"10 minutes ago Henry took off his pants to watch the Olympics
then Steve took off his to foam roll. Like father, like son. #nopantshousehold"


SteveQ 10:11 AM, February 19, 2014  

The "second day in a row of good sledding" photo is one of your best. I like the soft focus around the edges. Mark it on your calendar: this is the day I complimented you!

Shinianen 9:36 AM, February 20, 2014  

Your son is just too cute! I love it!

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