Friday Funny 669: Awesome Cyclocross and Funny Links

>> Friday, February 07, 2014


Finally, here are some funny posts from my tumblr page from the last 2 weeks:

Athletic-related funny things:

Crossfit vs Fight Club.

This is what running is all about.

[GIF] Jump rope backflip.

[GIF] This cyclist might not live long.

The Broncos defense in the Super Bowl.

[GIF] Whoa. That's some crazy balance.

Always run your own race.

A cycling truth.

[GIF] A gymnast brings it down.

Slowest marathon EVER.

Lance and the Tour de France. This is kinda sad.

[GIF] Jeez... these guys make it look easy.

Non-athletic funny things:

Ladies, here's a helpful chart for when you need to shave your legs.

This isn't The Fast and the Furious.

Daft Punk.

This is how I feel about pizza.

A valenties card from Leo.

My week.

[GIF] This poor violinist.

Why the grass is always greener.


Wait, I think I've seen this before.

I find this hilarious and sexy.

This winter.

Why I hate brushing my teeth at night.

The 2014 Grammys.

Spilling a beer.

This appeared in a Minneapolis newspaper when it was so cold last week. Nailed it.

Richard Sherman vs Justin Beiber. LOVE this.

How my mood can change.

A little dirty humor.

Canadian graffiti (this is especially for my best buddy Devon).

Women belong in the kitchen. (But click that link before you get pissed at me.)

And as always, stop by for funnies all week long.

I'm hoping to have a giveaway next week, so don't be a stranger! Happy weekend!


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