Friday Funny 666: Sochi Problems

>> Friday, February 07, 2014

You've probably been hearing a bit about this. Sochi doesn't seem QUITE ready for the Olympics. Here are 10 examples from HappyPlace:

1. The Olympic Logo says 2014, the plumbing says 1914.

2. Everyone's least favorite event: the 10m drop.

3. Hotel manager had previously told her not to put it on her face because it was dangerous.

4. Ten bucks says this problem actually leads to a terrible injury during the games.

5. What the eff is up with Russians and the bathrooms?! This story only gets worse...

6. This is an Olympic hotel they just, you know, didn't build.

7. This photo made the rounds last week, however the Ruskies claimed to have fixed it:

8. Then, an employee of the building posted a pic of NOT THE SAME bathroom (left), & what
happened to Rosenberg's bathroom (right): it's a supply closet. Which makes total sense.

9. Whether or not that one bathroom changed, the Russians were, of course, lying
about the fact that there weren't going to be double toilets everywhere.

10. Cakes in ass is funny, but let's not overlook that fruit's fffffffffreshness.

BONUS: here are 3 more that I've just seen (from the Washington Post):

Lots more funnies all week long on!


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