Post-Race Bike Ride Around Tel Aviv

>> Saturday, February 08, 2014

I almost forgot about posting these photos from my Israel trip a few weeks ago. Doron Sery (the photographer who's photos from the Israman Triathlon I posted HERE) joined our group for a ride around Tel Aviv on our last day there. All of these photos are from 1 of 2 GoPros that Doron carries around - one on his head, and one at the end of a stick.

We all hopped on Tel-O-Fun rental bikes (like the Twin Cities "Nice Ride" bikes that have a ton of locations that you can just rent for a few bucks at a time) and rode along the airport and the Mediterranean Sea. We rode with a few of the guys from LifeBEAM and tried out their helmets - they are an Israeli company that is putting little sensors in helmets that will transmit heart rate and other data directly to your Garmin or iPhone (with ANT+ or bluetooth technology). Cool stuff.

Anyway, here are some of Doron's photos of us all on our Tel Aviv "Tel-O-Fun" ride:

The gang next to the Mediterranean and a small airport/power plant.

With Doron.

Riding next to Doron, the Sea, and the power plant (the ugliest part of the ride).

Goonda riding next to a place where a rowing club practices.

That's me in the middle of all the trees back there.
There's a playground to the left that looked AMAZING!

The Promenade along the Mediterranean.

Stopping for fresh juice!

Close up of that last photo showing Tim, me, Nick, and our leader Adi.
My almond juice was fantastic.

Tim on the Tel-O-Fun bikes. Note the sweet race number tat still lingering.

Goonda by the beach: he's got the beach in the front tire and the Sea in his back.

Omry (one of the LifeBEAM guys) next to a little bay.

Goonda again. This was pretty near the 50 meter pool where we went swimming.
(Oh, I think that's Omry adjusting my helmet back under that tree.)

Something was hilarious. Obviously.

Riding through a little market (that got TIGHT in spots).

On the city streets in Tel Aviv.

We ended at a cool hipster bike shop.

Goonda (in white) with the 5 of us sent on the trip.

A final "group selfie" at the bike shop before we went on our way.

Here's a link to Doron's cool photos from the Israman Triathlon that I posted a few weeks ago, and here's a link to LifeBEAM. I think LifeBEAM is going to be sending me one of their LAZER helmets with their sensor in it, so once all this God-forsaken snow melts, I can head out on my tri bike with my Garmin and try it out!

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