Three Good Random Things

>> Monday, February 03, 2014

• ONE: Interview: Triple Threat Triathlon recently interviewed me, and they erroneously referred to me as the "Michael Jordan of triathlon blogs." (I *might* be the Larry Platt of triathlon blogs. If you're asking "who's that?..." then I've made my point.) They asked a few good questions about blogging, racing, and my recent triathlon in Israel. CLICK HERE to read the interview.

• TWO: Swim Intervals: I recently did that 30x50 pool workout again that I first did about 2 months ago. I still like that workout, and I'd like to try the full 50x50 someday soon - I think I could do that.

I was faster this time than I was 2 months ago. PROGRESS! This time, my 250s were more consistent (the workout is broken up into sets of 5x50, or 250s) with only 9 seconds between slowest and fastest. Last time, the range was 20 seconds, and my average over all the 250s was over 10 seconds slower than this time. And my final "all out" 50s in each set were faster this time too: last time, they were 42, 41, 41, 42, 40, and 40 seconds, and this time they were 39, 38, 38, 38, 38, and 38 seconds.

So here are the details from that workout if you want to try it. I'm finding it's a good way to get in a decent amount of 50s without wanting to die. Check it out!

• THREE: Arch-Nemesis Devon: Pro-triathlete racing frenemy has been unusually nice lately. One photo I didn't include in my post of Instagram photos from Israel this past weekend was this photo of a bus stop ad for "push up jeans:"

These "push up jeans" ads are all over Tel Aviv. I could use this. In the front.

Devon responded to that image with:

And then shortly after landing back in MN, I got this tweet from him:

Devon explains this new found love in a recent blog post:

Because Steve Stenzel and I are currently best friends, according to our Christmas Truce, I will race the Gear West Duathlon as an individual and leave him to defend his lustrous relay crown. That said, if for any reason Steve needed me to step in as his relay-mate I’d do it in a heartbeat. Because we’re best friends and we are always there to help one another. Conversely, if our best friendship is annulled because Steve violates the no ‘your mom’ jokes clause, I’d destroy him like a incontinent pigeon destroys the clean exterior of a freshly washed car. But as I said, we are totally best friends for now and nothing will ever come between us except for any violation of our truce. Love you buddy! And a big congrats to Steve, he just raced as part of a relay in the Israman in Israel! Great job pal. If you’ve never had a best friend I really recommend it.

We'll see where this leads. Or how long it lasts. Or if I left Devon woo me to 2nd base.


SteveQ 10:11 AM, February 04, 2014  

You're not the Larry Platt of triathlon blogs - more the Larry Storch of them.

Steve Stenzel 8:24 AM, February 05, 2014  

SteveQ, I don't know who Larry Storch is. So you're right. :)

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