The Crowning of the Champs at the Gear West Duathlon

>> Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My big race report was on Monday. It tells the tale of Pete and I (team "Itchy and Scratchy") beating Devon's team. Check it out if you missed it.

Devon's girlfriend (yes, he SOMEHOW has a beautiful girlfriend) made some sweet crowns for the winner of the showdown. So Pete and I were formally presented with our trophies:

So formal.

This doesn't look awkward at all.

Clean biker butts (to the left) and dirty runner butts (to the right).

Devon's Mom (in the red to the far right) got a photo of us from under the finish line....

.... and then Devon and Jon showed their emotion over being beat.

Henry LOVED playing on all of the equipment out there. THANK YOU PHARMIE for chasing him around for nearly 3 hours during and after the race!! I love you! (And thanks again to Jennifer for taking all the photos so Pharmie COULD chase Henry around!)

"That's enough of Dad!... back to the playground, Mama!!"

Crowned champs.

Officially, we were the 3rd place team as I mentioned in my race report. Devon's team was first (they beat our time, but we did better based on the handicap start), and former student Jeremy's team beat us by 61 seconds too. So Pete and I figured we should RE-crown Jeremy and his biker Kyle with the crowns:

Third place crowning 2nd place.

Newly crowned champs.

My eyes get creepy when I get that close to tubular meat. And my my nipples perk up.

I went back to find Pharmie and Henry after eating, and they were still playing hard!

Packed up and ready to go.

My 2 pairs of socks from the race still wet on the basement floor 24 hours post-race.

If you missed it, CLICK HERE for my race report, and CLICK HERE for a gallery of photos in an Examiner article of mine.

Back with some awesome photos from Devon's Mom tomorrow!


JP 7:22 AM, May 22, 2013  

Steve, the pics links are broken!

Unknown 7:42 AM, May 22, 2013  

so sad I can't see the pictures

Ririnette 8:41 AM, May 22, 2013  

That Jeremy guy is seriously photogenic.

Sarah 8:54 AM, May 22, 2013  

Loved following the training, ridiculousness, and race day! Nice work, guys! Congrats on your win, Sir Itchy.

And to Pharmie: You rock! Seriously! You're a supportive wife and CLEARLY a great Mama- plus a proven athlete! Rock on, lady!


P.S. Does Pharmie ever guest post? ;)

Anonymous,  10:16 AM, May 22, 2013  

Everytime I see Pete's shorts I get more and more envious of them... I think I need to get me a pair.

& thanks for the photogenic compliment, Ririnette! Steve showed me a picture that definitely busted that myth the other day, though. Hahah.

Steve Stenzel 11:41 AM, May 22, 2013  

JP and Eric, they're back up. The company that hosts my images has been sucking it up lately. :( Sorry!

Sarah, Pharmie needs to post more on her blog! I'll get on her about that... :)

Jeremy:!! Do it! That's were we all buy hour shorts!

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