Devon's Version of the Relay Race at the Gear West Duathlon

>> Thursday, May 23, 2013

Devon posted an album of photos taken by his Mom from the Gear West Duathlon this past weekend. Here's the story he tells, along with his captions. He's pretty witty.

His album has the caption: "Epic Relay Challenge between the noble Gold Gopher Guys and the notorious Team Itchy & Scratchy. This was probably the most fun you can have at a Duathlon." He's right... teaming up is a blast. I've been saying that for years.

NOTE: Everything under the photos that's italicized and "in quotes" is Devon's caption. Anything else is my rebuttal.

"Last second substitute for Ben, 'Benstitute', Jon Ryss. Jon and I raced as the Gold Gopher Guys. Possibly the greatest duathlon relay team in the history of duathlon relays."

"First wave at the start. Our mortal enemies, Team Itchy and Scratchy, took a massive head-start."

"Gold Gopher Guys waiting 12 minutes until our wave started behind our rivals, Team Itchy and Scratchy. We tried valiantly to close the gap but due to Steve's questionable handicapping it was insurmountable."
That mustache is questionable.

"Our wave was mostly just Jon."

"Pete Webster of Team Itchy and Scratchy (Pete was Scratchy) on the move."
I guess that makes me Itchy. I'm OK with that.

"Steve struggles with poor vision. Without his glasses during races it is quite difficult for him to hydrate properly so upon completion I am always there for him with a refreshing cup of water. To the face."

"Aggressive hydration assistance! Pete lined up behind waiting for his turn."

As I noted in my race report, Devon ran up right after I finished and shouted "EMERGENCY HYDRATION" and nailed me in the face. Then he did it 2 more times for the camera as seen above. I love that you can see Jenny taking photos with my camera in the first photo, and I love Pete creepin' in the 2nd.

I also mentioned that we beat Devon's team by over 5 minutes, but Jon came FLYING to the line. Look at the guy who's being passed by Jon: his body language is saying "Shit!... Where'd YOU come from?!?"


"Team Gold Gopher Guys graciously crowning the champs of the Relay Challenge, Team Itchy and Scratchy. Even though Steve blatantly rigged the race we respected their effort on the day."
You blatantly have... a moustache....... (I'm not good at words.)

"Such pride. Such achievement."

"Team Itchy and Scratchy performing some sort of celebratory ritual."

"Proud champions"

"Pretty sure Steve recruited the King of Denmark"

"The agony of defeat."

"Such pain!"

"Steve also struggles with incontinence, as you can see."

That last line is partly true... I mentioned in my race report that I had tummy issues throughout and after the race, but I assure you that THAT is only mud from the nasty off-road racing.

- Click here for my race report
- Click here for the "crowning ceremony" after the race
- Click here for a gallery of photos in an Examiner article of mine


Sue's Ramblings 12:05 AM, May 24, 2013  

You guys are hilarious! Congrats again! To both teams - great job out there.

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