Part Two of the Cinco Du Mayo Duathlon Race Report

>> Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Yesterday, I posted about my first duathlon victory. I thought I'd be a little more excited after I finished. I was PROUD, but I wasn't ecstatic. I don't know how to describe it. It was better than eating good pizza, but not as good as sex. It was more than alright. :)

Just under 2 minutes after I finished, 2nd place (the guy in red and black who I was battling) came to the finish:

We chatted after the race, and I found out that he's been a lifelong runner but this was his FIRST MULTISPORT RACE! What a strong debut! He was a nice guy. And I ALWAYS have a lot of respect for a guy who races this hard:

Just after he and I finished, I spotted my wife coming back on the bike!

Heading down into the park with other long and short course athletes.

Ready to dismount.

Cody coming in for a 2nd place finish in the long course as Pharmie was in T2! Congrats, Cody!

Floating out of T2.

I started to run a bit with Pharmie. She told me about Colleen, her new "race buddy" that I showed a few photos of in part one of this race report. They were quite comparable speeds, but Pharmie was slower in transition, so her goal was to catch back up to Colleen.

Pharmie running away (up the hill at the 0.5 mark) to the left, Colleen (in pink) up ahead,
and the long course winner Jenn heading back to the finish and her 2nd win in 2 weekends.

Working up that hill, which was a little brutal right out of T2.

Pharmie heading back down the other side of the hill. (The parked car in the distance on
the right side of the road was my turn-around for the short course, but she had to go farther.)

I turned around and ran back to the finish where I stretched a bit before seeing my wife heading to the finish:

YAY PHARMIE!! She was the 6th overall female and 3rd in her Age Group!

Goldilocks post-race. The wet roads weren't horrible, but they DID get a little messy.

Post-race Cinco De Mayo TACOS! (I would have opened the foil
more to take a photo, but I was too hurried because I was HUNGRY!)

My winning trophy and age group margarita glass.

... AND a $25 Visa Card! Sweet!

Big thanks to Tri Fitness for a great race!

And more big thanks to my upcoming Gear West Duathlon Relay teammate Pete for lending me his Zipp race wheel! Last year, I did this race with my wife's Zipp front wheel, but being we were racing together this year, I needed another option. My teammate had my back and helped me out! Thanks Pete!

And a final big thanks to my family for watching Henry during the race. Aunt Steph and Uncle Jon had Henry play with Evie, and even Aunt Annie showed up to play too. Thanks you 3!

Kissin' cousins (with their Aunt Annie).

Check out part one of my race report HERE - it was my first duathlon win!! And click here for more photos in an Examiner article I wrote about the race.


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