10 Days Until THE SHOWDOWN

>> Thursday, May 09, 2013

That's right folks... In 10 days, Pete and I will be teaming up against elite runner Ben Kampf and pro triathlete Devon Palmer at the Gear West Duathlon. Tears will be shed. Fur will fly. Bleeders will be bled.

The smack talk hasn't let up. Devon posted this regarding my first duathlon victory this last weekend:

I shot back on Facebook:

The other thing worth noting is that Devon got one of those flimsy little backpacks with strings for shoulder straps when he won his duathlon nearly 2 weeks ago. Whereas I got a trophy AND a $25 Visa Card for winning mine as I showed on Tuesday:

I think I'll purchase $25 worth of something pointless and flaunt it in Devon's face at the Gear West Duathlon. Any ideas on what I should get with my winnings? Ya hear that Devon?... I have "winnings" to spend. You enjoy your little man-purse on your back.

And then finally a few days ago, Devon and his relay partner Ben tweeted this along with the following photo:

Wordplay. Cute. And you actually made Ben wear a shirt with your name on it? What an ego...

Gear West Duathlon teammate Pete chimed in:

We'll see what happens next weekend on the 19th. It's bound to be a hell-a-va show.


Foges 8:38 AM, May 09, 2013  

is that a woman's cut on their teeshirt?

Steve Stenzel 9:06 AM, May 09, 2013  

God I hope so, Foges. That makes my job a lot easier.

richvans 10:06 AM, May 09, 2013  

Look at how weak they are - it takes two of them to hold up that kitchen sized trash bag full of empty yoghurt containers.

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