Good Things For Your Body

>> Saturday, June 20, 2009

1. Monkey Shake from 10:10 Wellness
2. FRS Supplements
4. Free Shoes Reminder!!

1. Monkey Shake

I’ve been a fan of this stuff for a few months now! “Monkey Shake” is a homemade recovery / meal replacement drink from Chris at 10:10 Wellness. It contains rolled oats, whey protein, chia seeds, and RenewPro (another kind of whey protein). Click here to read all about it on the 10:10 site.

You can mix it with other things to make it more delicious. Here’s my personal set-up:

Milk, frozen berries, a few ice cubes, and a naner (yes, a “naner”) go into the blender, and the Monkey Shake gets sprinkled on top:

What results is hearty and delicious:

I like to have a good Monkey after a hard workout to “kick start” muscle repair. These photos are from when I made a Monkey Shake on Sunday morning (the day after my oly tri). Oh, and once, I made it with fresh-squeezed OJ from my grandparents, and that was GREAT! The “Monkey” is good stuff!

In the name of full disclosure: If you’ve noticed, there’s the “Gate Logo” at the top and bottom of my sidebar. I’m one of Chris’s instigators for 10:10 Wellness. I’m helping spread the word about his company, and I may make a little commission in the process. I’m not in it for any potential money, but more so because Chris and I have been in contact for the last 6 months, and I really like the idea behind his little triathlon company. So go check out 10:10 Wellness, see if there are any deals on things you use, and sign up to be an instigator if you’re intrigued by all of this.

2. FRS Supplements

I was recently sent this package from FRS:

That’s 3 canned drinks on the left, liquid concentrate in the middle, some pineapple-mango energy chews, and a box of single-serving drink mix packets on the right.

Honestly, I don’t care for the canned drinks that much, but then again, I’m not much on Red Bull or anything else like that. The single-serving packets are good, but they take a while to dissolve (I’ve learned to stir it and let it sit for 5 minutes, and then it’s fine). I think the packets would work well in a blended drink, like in the Monkey (I still need to try that combo - it could be great!).

But, I like the energy chews. They’re about the size of a piece of Bubblicious Gum, and they’re pretty good! They’re filled with antioxidants and all kinds of vitamins for a natural energy boost.

And I REALLY like the liquid concentrate. I’ve used it before workouts, before races, and even before big days remodeling our porch. It DOES give me a bit of a boost, and I really like the taste. The directions say to use 2 ounces of concentrate:

That gets mixed with 6 ounces of water to make a good, smooth energy drink:

I like that stuff: it tastes good, and I feel the boost. So check out FRS if you’re interested (it’s the “Low-Cal Orange Liquid Concentrate” that I like, in case you’re looking for it).


No offense to 10:10 Wellness or FRS, but MixMyGranola is the best idea of these 3! Here’s the low-down: I don’t eat granola. I think the last time I had granola was in high school. But MixMyGranola contacted me and wanted me to try their product. And it’s a GREAT IDEA!

You go on their site. First, you choose from 4 different granola “bases.” Then you choose from 19 different fruits to add (you can choose 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). Then you choose from 17 different nuts and seeds. Then you choose from 20 different “extras” like gummi bears, chocolate raisins, candy corn, etc. Finally, you can add a powdered “enhancer” if you’d like. The great thing is that your total cost and nutritional info is constantly updating as you’re adding and subtracting things from your mix! You place your order, and in a few days, a tube arrives in the mail:

You can name your mix, and that name appears on the back of the tube along with all your nutritional info. I called my mix “Steve in a Speedo,” and you can see what ingredients I added:

The tube smelled delicious:

I poured out a small bowl:

It was REALLY good! But of course it would be - I made it specifically to my liking. What a great idea!! They have gift certificates, and I think that would make a good gift for the right person! Because I added all kinds of fruit (and once shipping was added in), my tube ended up costing around $15, so it’s not something I’d do all the time, but it’s a fun treat. Thanks MixMyGranola!!

4. Reminder of giveaway

This one isn’t food related like the first 3 things. You just have a few more hours to go to this post and leave a comment to be entered to win a free $75.00 gift certificate to You have through midnight tonight!! Sign up!


Unknown 10:19 AM, June 20, 2009  

If you like mixmygranola, you might like this can make your own bars, shakes, and/or trail mix. I haven't tested it out, but I've heard great reviews!

duchossois 11:04 AM, June 20, 2009  

Great stuff...thanks for the reviews.

Anonymous,  12:35 PM, June 20, 2009  

You must add whole raw almonds into the blender when making a is so yummy...and you get the nutty texture with every sip. Try it and let me know if you like it!

X-Country2 2:52 PM, June 20, 2009  

That MixMyGranola looks so good. The packaging is such a great idea.

RunningLaur 7:51 PM, June 20, 2009  

Candy corn add-in?!?! I'm all over that!

CoachLiz 8:13 PM, June 20, 2009  

I am going to have to head on over to right NOW!!!

NY Wolve 10:12 PM, June 20, 2009  

Love mix my granola and I have also tried FRS and had mixed results one stellar workout and several mixed. The primary ingredients as I recall are caffiene and quercetin,an antioxidant with ots of good properties I now take a quercetin supplement daily, which costs about $8 for 2 months or so.

Shannon 7:47 AM, June 21, 2009  

It looks like my counter top at home.....are you stalking me?

Tyger Lily 9:03 AM, June 21, 2009  

Thanks Steve! I am all over mixmygranola!

teacherwoman 4:39 PM, June 21, 2009  

The monkey shake sounds superb! Mmmm... I need to try the Mix My Granola stuff!

Michelle 7:18 PM, June 21, 2009  


And monkey shake is right up my alley!!

Thanks Steve!

Carolina John 8:50 PM, June 21, 2009  

i hear ya bro. i love me some monkey shake too. awesome stuff. i'm too cheap to mix my own granola, though.

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