I’m a Whore

>> Thursday, June 11, 2009

No, not the “sex” kind of whore. I’ve only had sex with one person, so I’m FAR from an actual whore. I’m more of an “athletic equipment whore.” I was thinking about what I’d wear for the Liberty Olympic Distance Triathlon on Saturday.

• Rudy Project Helmet: won through B-Fit B-Day triathlon that I did 15 months ago.

• Zeal Sunglasses: given to me from EverymanTri for winning “blog of the year.”

• SUGOi Tri Suit: given to me to try out by Outside PR.

• Drymax Socks: won a TON of pairs through a video contest (remember the toilet scene?).

• Saucony Racing Flats: given to me to help promote OnlineShoes.com.

When I started blogging, I was doing it just for fun. Well, 3 years later, it’s STILL a lot of fun. But the great thing is that I’m getting some rewards here-and-there for just being “real” on my blog. Life is good, people! Life is good!

Note on the shoes: I just got them this week!! I tried them out last night, and I think they’ll work for this weekend’s Oly Tri! (I’m used to Nikes, which are known for being “cushy,” and these racing flats have less cushion. I’ll have to see how they treat me.) So if you’ll be at Liberty, look for the neon yellow soles running by.

Note on the tri suit: I have a drawer in the closet for “athletic tops” and a different one for “athletic bottoms.” So, my question for you: Where do I store the tri suit?!? Seriously, I always forget which drawer it’s in. But it’s a good problem to have!...

Back tomorrow with a GREAT Friday Funny, I’ll have a quick tri report on Saturday, and make sure to stop back on Monday for a chance to win a FREE PAIR OF SHOES! Really!


RunningLaur 6:33 AM, June 11, 2009  

Good luck at the race! No matter what, you can atleast know that you'll be looking spiffy!

Jumper 2.0 6:34 AM, June 11, 2009  

You'll probably be (even) faster in those shoes. But you may be sore after since you are racing in them without slowly increasing the miles of a different type of shoe for you.

I'll try to come out to Liberty to watch!

sneakersister 7:06 AM, June 11, 2009  

LOL, well, who isn't an equipment whore? Seriously.

I have an entire closet devoted to my running stuff.

FLATOUT JIM 7:33 AM, June 11, 2009  

So do you race with any equipment you actually bought?

scott blackwell 7:44 AM, June 11, 2009  

I would say the tri suit definitely has to go in the unitard hutch. you have one...right?

Marlene 7:50 AM, June 11, 2009  

The gear looks great! I guess you're all set.

Chloe 7:52 AM, June 11, 2009  

Haha! You HANG the try suit next to your dressy shirts :)

Jumper 2.0 7:53 AM, June 11, 2009  

Oh, the trisuit.

Being that covering the bottom is more important than the top (to my way of thinking), I say they go with the bottoms.

jen 8:04 AM, June 11, 2009  

I agree that I would classify the tri suit as "bottoms"

Good luck this weekend!! Can't wait to read the report. You always have the best recaps and photos. :)

Greenking17 "TRI-harder" 8:06 AM, June 11, 2009  

You are a whore! In the nicest possible way, of course. Good luck this weekend! I need to know how you like those shoes, I just won a contest at my "fun" job and get a free pair of saucony's of my choice (09 models). I want the flats real bad for shorter distances. As far as the TRI suit and where to put it, I say you just wear it all the time and never, ever take it off. You will most certainly always feel fast!

Jess 8:30 AM, June 11, 2009  

I think a tri suit should hang in the same fire proof closet as your Bat-suit. I imagine it as the kind that rises up out of the ground like in Batman Returns. Once you get it constructed, you can show us.

The Boring Runner 8:35 AM, June 11, 2009  

I noticed how your photography skilz aren't letting you down. Nice work propping up one of the shoes! Now, you just need to get your Price is Right girl hand swipe motion down and you'll be set.

You know what they say..... Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Carolina John 9:04 AM, June 11, 2009  

i'm trying to whore myself out a little more. need a tri suit, could you send me the pr guy's contact info who sent you the sugoi? thanks bro, and good luck at the oly (and pharmie's half). i'm running my first marathon on saturday!

duchossois 9:56 AM, June 11, 2009  

You are not a whore for wearing and writing about the items you won. For blogging about the items you were sent because you might blog about them, yes, yes you are a whore.
(Please tell me how I can be a whore, too. I have a blog. I want to get free stuff. Whaaaaa...I want free stuff like Steve gets....whaaaa.)

Alisa 10:11 AM, June 11, 2009  

Good luck!

I wish I had cool free stuff =).

X-Country2 11:11 AM, June 11, 2009  

I'm an absolute ho for free stuff too. No shame here.

Good luck this weekend!

Unknown 12:04 PM, June 11, 2009  

Gotta love the rewards just for writing about yourself.

Michelle 1:03 PM, June 11, 2009  

Definitely a separate drawer for tri outfits. Or make some sort of double drawer so the top part is in one drawer and the bottom is technically in another drawer!!!

Make it happen bro!!

You lookin mighty fine there!!!

Irish Cream 1:30 PM, June 11, 2009  

Trust me . . . if I was smart enough to figure out how to whore myself out like that, I would TOTALLY do it!

Good luck in the Oly Tri, Steve!! :)

I Run for Fun 3:37 PM, June 11, 2009  

Good luck! Any tips on how to become a whore?

CoachLiz 4:20 PM, June 11, 2009  

Are you winning this stuff or are you a sponsored athlete and just not telling us???

Hey, I'm wearing my 2XU compression socks right now that I won at my tri club meeting on Monday. I guess I am a whore as well.

Good luck to you and Pharmie this weekend.

Trishie 5:55 PM, June 11, 2009  

good luck this weekend !

T 6:35 PM, June 11, 2009  

how about winning some drymax? ;)i've tried them and love them (so happy i found the one i thought i lost!!!) and the boy recently tried them out and LOVES them.

just kidding. kind of.

good luck in the tri!

Missy 8:15 PM, June 11, 2009  

Well then I'm all whore'd up too, OK, not as big of a whore as you are, though. That's a lot of free JACK. Got to love onlineshoes.com - I'm trying to give away $100 right now for them.

t-odd 9:45 PM, June 11, 2009  

You are smelly pirate hooker, but I only say that cuz I'm jealous. Good luck at the Liberty Tri - looking forward to the race report. And this time remember to put your fricking helmet on!

Eric 10:12 PM, June 11, 2009  

I think the tri suit needs a special place on a hanger in the closet.

Run For Life 10:33 PM, June 11, 2009  

Maybe if you give it it's own drawer other companies will send more, haha.

Good luck to you and Pharmie this weekend!

http://gokristen.wordpress.com 11:45 AM, June 12, 2009  

You should hang the tri suit in your closet, since its a one piece and is very fancy :-)

sRod 8:10 AM, June 21, 2009  

The blogging gods have been very kind to you!

I'd say you hang the tri suit where ever Pharmie hangs her dresses. That's the only other comparable clothing I can think of.

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