Two Rides

>> Tuesday, June 02, 2009

I’ve had 2 workouts in a row that were BIKE RIDES! Gasp! I know! Me! Biking!!

Friday I did a flat, hard 24 mile ride. I headed down the Greenway. There were’s lots of families and old people. I hit the turn-around with a 19.4 average, and used the slight breeze on the way home to bump up to a 20.4 average by the end of the trail. By the time I climbed the 2 hills heading back home, I finished with a 20.2 mph average. I’ll take it.

(We we gone to my youngest sister-in-law's graduation party over the weekend, so there was no training. Unless you call stuffing our faces with pork sandwiches and banana bars "training.")

Yesterday, I did a hilly, hard 36 mile ride. I did 2 loops of the route I call the “St. Paul River Loop,” and I added in 2 more hills by crossing the river on my first loop. Here’s the route:

And here’s the (relatively hilly, but not CRAZY hilly) elevation chart from the ride:

- At mile 7, I had a 20.6 mph ave
- Before the “big hill,” I had 19.3 ave
- After the big hill, it dropped to 18.6
- Before the big hill the second time, I had a 19.2 ave
- After the bill hill the second time, I had a 18.8 ave
- I ended with a 19.0 ave

They were re-painting the “bike lane” lines on Summit, so as soon as I climbed Ramsey Hill both times, I was huffing and puffing and inhaling all kinds of gross smelling paint fumes. Yuck.

Anyway, Pharmie and I are waist deep in training for our big race in about 10 days. We’re doing Liberty: she’s doing the Half IM and I’m doing the Oly. OK, back to class. Then maybe a run.


duchossois 10:41 AM, June 02, 2009  

Well done, Steve. Keep ratcheting up the bike workouts and you are going to become a monster.

CoachLiz 11:19 AM, June 02, 2009  

If my calculations are correct, it looks like you will finish the bike leg of your Oly race in the neighborhood of 1 hour and 14 minutes to 1 hour and 19 minutes. Is Liberty a flat or hilly course?

X-Country2 12:53 PM, June 02, 2009  

Paint fumes are the worst! Great rides!

scott blackwell 4:37 PM, June 02, 2009  

Nice work! Sorry that you had to inhale all that junk. Maybe next time just hold your breath for the entire ride :-)

Anonymous,  4:52 PM, June 02, 2009  

Holy hills!

trimybest 4:57 PM, June 02, 2009  

dont get too fast on the bike because then i wont have a chance to beat you at liberty. gaining time on the bike is my only shot since you can kick my ass on the run!
good luck!

Unknown 7:12 PM, June 02, 2009  

Great job Steve... those hills look gross. :)

Missy 7:29 PM, June 02, 2009  

I think they look fun - I might suck at those hills but they're fun!

Aka Alice 10:05 PM, June 02, 2009  

I'm so glad you included your mph averages. Being new to biking, I have NO IDEA how fast I should be trying to go...I'm feeling way better about my 14mph average now :-) (I'm being serious here...I know...It's a surprise)

Run For Life 11:15 PM, June 02, 2009  

I don't like those fumes from repaving either, bleck!

Looks like some good rides though and with all the hill work lately you'll be awesome.

Unknown 10:39 AM, June 03, 2009  

I'm starting to really get into this whole biking thing.

b 1:04 PM, June 03, 2009  

Sweetness on the double bike rides Steve! wife ran the Minneapolis Inaugural Marathon Sunday and really enjoyed the event throughly! Thought I'd give you a shout-out :-)

Kim 2:09 PM, June 03, 2009  

you are KILLING those rides steve!!! awesome job.

teacherwoman 8:29 AM, June 04, 2009  

Wow! Sounds like a couple great rides! Keep up the great training!

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