Who Wants a Free Pair of Shoes?

>> Monday, June 15, 2009

That’s right! OnlineShoes.com is “using me” to give away a $75.00 Gift Certificate to their website.

OK, buying shoes online can be tough, right? But when I used OnlineShoes.com, it’s nice because they have through customer reviews about each shoe. In the reviews, the reviewer can remark about the shoes size, width, arch type, and leave of general comments. So when I was looking at a pair of Saucony racing flats, I checked out their Saucony Running Shoes page. (And here’s the link to their running shoes page.)

I found these:

Saucony Grid Sinisters!

The customer reviews told me that this shoe would be OK for longer races (like 5Ks, 10Ks, and half marathons), and that it was pretty true to size (some racing flats run small, so I wouldn’t have known what size to order if they didn’t have this feature!). The nice thing is that OnlineShoes.com actually ships a return label with the shoes incase the size isn’t quite right. You can ship them back and request a different size.

Oh, and did I say “Free Shipping?” And “90 day return policy?” Well, I should have. Those are good selling points.

Anyway, that’s enough of an advertisement - on to the giveaway. I’m running this giveaway much like Chic Runner when she was asked to do the same thing - she gave me some good advice, and you may recognize this giveaway format from her blog. Thanks Chic Runner!!

To be entered in the drawing, you just need to leave a comment on this post. I know that’s not easy, but you gotta work for these shoes! ;)

Want your name in the hat twice? If you’re a blogger, become a follower of my blog to earn a second entry. Just click the “follow” button in the upper right of my blog, and let me know that you’re a follower in your comment that you leave. (You can also "add" my blog through your Blogger Dashboard.)

Want your name in the hat a third time? Then post a link on your blog to my blog telling your readers about this contest and giving OnlineShoes.com a little more advertising, and you can earn another entry. And again, let me know in your comment that you did that.

So, someone’s comment might say “Hey Steve, this John Smith from Topeka. I posted about this on my blog (but I didn’t ‘follow’ you), so put my name in the hat twice! Thanks!”

Pseudo-legal stuff:
- Contest only open to US residents. Sorry, but they’re only shipping domestically. Sucks to live in Toronto right now.
- You may comment now (on THIS post) through midnight Central time on Saturday, June 20th. The winner will be contacted on Monday of next week.
- The winner will be chosen at random by a random number generator. If you’ve earned multiple entries, you will get multiple numbers, thus bettering your chances at winning!
- OnlineShoes.com is promoting their Saucony Running Shoes right now, but you’ll be able to use your $75 on ANYTHING from their site! How sweet is that!!

Good luck everyone!!

I’ll be back tomorrow with my Olympic Distance Triathlon PR race report! Thanks all!


Gerry 4:42 AM, June 15, 2009  

Darn it! I'm staying too far away to be involved in this draw!

Anyway, I'm going to be taking part in a half marathon mid August and I was wondering if you have any brilliant advice to swing my way...I recognise that I probably should have started training last month, but well...

Ironman By Thirty 6:26 AM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve, this Kevin Neumann from Grand Rapids, MI. I follow you (both with Google Connect and my own blog roll), so put my name in the hat twice! Thanks!

Keep up the great work. Your blog is very helpful and humorous.


duchossois 6:37 AM, June 15, 2009  

Steve, thanks for inviting us to join in the contest. I love the idea of winning a free pair of shoes. And of course, please note that I follow your blog so I have increased my chances, and I have added a link in my blog (http://duchossois.blogspot.com) so I have further increased my chances.
Do I smell a new pair of running shoes? I think I do.

SeeGirlRun 6:38 AM, June 15, 2009  

Oooo pick me pick me! I just became a follower too and I'll post a link back on my blog. The first post of yours that I read was the one about Pharmie's Rules. Leaves an interesting impression....


Sixteen Chickens 6:40 AM, June 15, 2009  

Give my entry to Trent, he needs the shoes more than me.

Mel-2nd Chances 6:46 AM, June 15, 2009  

great giveaway, but you already pointed out the Toronto thing LOL

mbevington 6:59 AM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve, this Mark Bevington from Canton Mi. I follow your blog, so put my name in the hat twice! Thanks!”

Meredith Brooks 7:04 AM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve! This is Meredith from Lexington, KY. Thanks for this give-away opportunity. I've become a follower of your blog, so please put my name in the hat twice.

I'm getting ready to do my first tri in August, and I'd love to pick up a new pair of Mizuno Wave Creations in the next few months! The gift certificate to onlineshoes.com would really help!

Thanks again.

GoBigGreen 7:13 AM, June 15, 2009  

dont my raw toes deserve a new set of shoes??
add my name Steve! Why not!
:) julia

Nathaniel 7:16 AM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve, this is Nathaniel from Portland Maine. I follow your blog, so put my name in the hat twice! Thanks.

Great blog by the way. I can't wait for the next post.

Alexis 7:17 AM, June 15, 2009  

I could really use some new shoes so I am quite excited about this.
I follow your blog through Google Reader (not sure if that counts).

Darcy Franklin 7:21 AM, June 15, 2009  

WIth all the running shoes I purchase (LOVE my Saucany's!!!) this was too good to be true!

I am posting and am now a loyal follower! Nobody reads my blog anymore so I did NOT post!

Lindsay 7:24 AM, June 15, 2009  

i love saucony's. i'll put the $$ towards some more of them! pick me pick me!

Greenking17 "TRI-harder" 7:30 AM, June 15, 2009  

Hey, whats up Steve? This is a great idea!! I check in daily, for the most part, and always get a good laugh and some good insight from the blog. I've added you to the follow list and will be posting a link on my blog to yours...I won't put 'onlineshoes.com' on my blog since I work for the Running Room (plug)....but I do love Sauconys and chocolate milk!!

Jen,  7:38 AM, June 15, 2009  

Hi Steve! Jen from Ohio here, I've ordered all my running shoes from onlineshoes.com for the past 2 years. They rock! Please put my name in the hat once - thanks!

Smithers 7:39 AM, June 15, 2009  

Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!

I am a follower and I posted about the giveaway.


That earns me three names in the hat.

By the way, the certificate would be better if it came with a Vein of Approval seal...or some of the peeled skin from your workout log. Ew...wait, I take that back! Now there is vomit in the keyboard. Dammit. :)

JenC 7:42 AM, June 15, 2009  

Saucony? Love them! Yes, please. I already was a follower though, so no fair giving me a second entry.

Dave 7:42 AM, June 15, 2009  

Why not, I'm in for two. I already had you on bloglines, but now you're on my blogger list too. :)

MCM Mama 7:48 AM, June 15, 2009  

Ok, for the chance at a new pair of shoes, I'll follow you (although I already read you through google reader...) So, throw me in twice.

Questionably Texan 7:51 AM, June 15, 2009  

Sign me up for some free shoes!

raulgonemobile 7:52 AM, June 15, 2009  

Alright, this post is enough to draw me out of the shadows that I lurk in. Long time reader. I follow you, and you're in my blogroll, so if you would, I'll take 2 entries. :)


Tracy G.,  7:56 AM, June 15, 2009  

Hi, Steve --

Mama needs a new pair of shoes...throw my name in the hat once please! By the way, I saw you at Liberty on Sat. and wanted to come meet you, but I was on a mission to the port-a-potties. I'm sure you understand :-)

RunningLaur 7:59 AM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve!

I didn't realize I wasn't following you already. Now I am officially! I have you linked on my blog as well. Boom, that's all 3!

Julie 8:03 AM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Julie from Denver put me in for 3!! I've add myself as a follower and put a link in my blog! I reallly, really, really, need shoes! I'm a woman you can never have to many shoes!

Can't wait for your race report!

Marlene 8:04 AM, June 15, 2009  

It DOES suck to live in Toronto right now. Boooo! ;)

Good luck to everyone else!

Jaime 8:04 AM, June 15, 2009  

Pick me, pick me. I'll become a follower for my 2nd shot also. Does putting the link on my blog count if I have started and erased my own blog posts for over a year now not thinking anyone wants to read what I have to say?

Felice Devine 8:07 AM, June 15, 2009  

Awesome contest! Who can't use new shoes?

I've had you in my google reader but now I'm an official follower :-)

331 Miles 8:08 AM, June 15, 2009  

I'm in twice -- a comment and a follow! If I win, I'll surely write a blog post and link back...

Paulie 8:23 AM, June 15, 2009  

A comment and a follow. Thanks! I love Online shoes because they carry Asics!

libgyrl 8:27 AM, June 15, 2009  

Working for my keep: Steve, Libgyrl (marie) here. Looking forward to WIBA. I'll follow you and you know where to check for my blog link back to this contest. Interesting question, is an added entry worth referring more contest competitors? Meh!

Renee 8:28 AM, June 15, 2009  

Hi Steve,
I am a follower and want two chances to win new shoes! Thanks so much! Renee

Coach Liz 8:29 AM, June 15, 2009  

Love Saucony shoes and I have been running in them for years!

Please throw my name in the hat two times since I am also a follower.

Dan Isaacs 8:31 AM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve, I gave up blogging, but if I tweet or Facebook it, a few hundred more people than ever read my blog will check it out. :)

Amy 8:32 AM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve, could you throw me in the hat twice? I'm a follower, too :)

I could use some free shoes! My Saucony pair now have about 50 more miles and then they will need to be retired.

bigmike600 8:45 AM, June 15, 2009  

Steve...You know I'm a gear whore so chuck my name in that hat. Hope to see you at WIBA Friday and Sunday. We are doing the Pleasant Prairie (by Kenosha) 2.4 mile open water swim event on Saturday so we'll miss the bike (which is a downer-but since we live close we can ride it another day).

Keep up the good work Mr. Stenzel.

Graham 8:47 AM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve! I think it's great that you agree to do these great give aways. You're blog is awesome! - it provides laughter and great tidbits of running knowledge! I'm Stephanie Graham, from Lakewood, Ohio and I follow your blog and you've been on my blogroll for quite some time now.
Thanks for the 2 chances to win new shoes!!!!

C 8:51 AM, June 15, 2009  

I know I live outside the states, but I have a US address to which the shoes can be sent so I'm gonna go rogue and enter myself in the contest anyway. Twice actually, since I'm one of your followers. :)

Thanks for being a product whore, Steve, and spreading the wealth.

SM 8:58 AM, June 15, 2009  

Happy Monday Steve! Thanks for holding this contest! This is Shawn from Rhode Island. I have posted a link on my Blog and currently follow your blog. Please put my name in the hat twice.

Thanks again and as always look forward to the race report.

Mohammad Arfeen 9:10 AM, June 15, 2009  

hey this is mo from chicago, IL, i am following you thats 2 entries for me

streak 9:17 AM, June 15, 2009  

very nice giveaway! Count me in twice please (joined the follower). Rob from NC.

jodie 9:24 AM, June 15, 2009  

I'd like to be included, but I guess only one entry for me (no blog and not a follower of any). But you crack me up when I do check out your posts, keep up the good work.

Melody 9:30 AM, June 15, 2009  

I like shoes! I like your blog! I like Saucony! :) Your on my google reader, but will become a follower too! :) Have a great day!

Joy | Love | Chaos 9:33 AM, June 15, 2009  

Can you smell my running shoes out there in MN? No?

Just close your eyes and try again.


That's why I need to win. Count me in!

sneakersister 9:42 AM, June 15, 2009  

I'm a fan, been following for a while through Google Reader but just added my name to your follow list. Check out my link. (That's 3.)

That Runner Chick 9:50 AM, June 15, 2009  

Hi Steve! Awesome contest, who doesnt need another pair of running shoes? I followed your blog so I could get my name in twice, which is doubly exciting because yours is the first blog Ive EVER FOLLOWED!!

Mushi 9:51 AM, June 15, 2009  

New shoes! What a great giveaway! Thanks Steve!

runningtwig 9:59 AM, June 15, 2009  

I've been reading your blog for a while now...but now I'm an official "follower." I've had you linked to my blog for a while too..but my blog is private because I have a kid!


Chad 10:06 AM, June 15, 2009  


Count me in twice. I'm a follower of the Speedo...


X-Country2 10:16 AM, June 15, 2009  

I want some free shoes! Gimme gimme gimme!

Trophy Wife 10:16 AM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve! As always, love your blog. I'm already a follower, I'm commenting and I totally posted a link on my blog. That's the trifecta I believe! Put me in the hat 3 times!
DeAnna :)

sRod 10:20 AM, June 15, 2009  

I think a new pair of shoes would be the perfect way to kick off training for the NYC Marathon!

Also, I've been a long time follower of your blog. So check and check.

About posting the link. Well, that'll take a while (er, tonight or tomorrow). I'll let you know if I get to posting.

NC Kate 10:22 AM, June 15, 2009  

Love your blog, and love (and need...) free shoes! One entry for me, please! Unless having you in my blogroll counts as following you...? Thanks so much!

Jen,  10:24 AM, June 15, 2009  

Hi Steve, this is Jen from Ohio. I love your blog (I have your blog bookmarked and read it every day... does that count for anything?). Anyway, I would love a new pair of shoes! Thanks!

J 10:28 AM, June 15, 2009  

I love onlineshoes.com They are the best because of the free shipping and return policy. I already bought a sweet pair of shoes but I would love another!

Anonymous,  10:33 AM, June 15, 2009  

Great giveaway Steve; I've been browsing onlineshoes quite a bit. I'm definitely going to be needing some new, sweet shoes myself soon, so this is very exciting...

p.s. following (creepy)

:) 10:36 AM, June 15, 2009  

“Hey Steve, this is Flatman. I posted about this on my blog and I am following you, so put my name in the hat three times! Thanks!”

Thanks for the template! ;)

Anonymous,  10:39 AM, June 15, 2009  

Amy in CA and I'd love some shoes!!

Anonymous,  10:44 AM, June 15, 2009  

Free Shoes?

Run For Life 10:55 AM, June 15, 2009  

Please enter me! I already follow you on Google Reader and if I win I also have a US address. I'll post back a blurb about the contest on my blog as well for a total of three entries. :)

B 10:57 AM, June 15, 2009  

Me, me, me! Ok really my I want to buy my wife some shoes. I want to see teacher run again.

B (

Anonymous,  10:59 AM, June 15, 2009  

Great blog! :)

Kelly 11:01 AM, June 15, 2009  

I didn't read the legal jumbo, so I hope it didn't say anything about "no girls allowed" or "indiana sucks" or something like that.

I think I already follow you, so put me in! I want shoes!

Bootchez 11:06 AM, June 15, 2009  

Hi Steve, here's my post, and I dunno what this "follower" bidness is (and didn't when Chic Runner did the same giveaway, either), but you're on my googlereader, and I read every day, and I'd post a link on my blog if I had posted anything at all this past month.

Yeah, this earns me 1 entry, I know. I'll take it!

Amy - the gazelle 11:15 AM, June 15, 2009  

I love online shoes - that's where I've picked up my last couple of pairs (of both running & NON-running shoes). I am also a new follower & will link to you & online shoes today in my blog (gazellesoncrack.com), so I would like THREE entries, please!

Jen 11:17 AM, June 15, 2009  

Momma could use a new pair of shoes! I'm a new follower, too. 2x entry - woot!

Sue 11:35 AM, June 15, 2009  

Ok, here you go..we are big Saucony fans but to much to do this week for a link. IM CDA is in town and our women fav pros are here to...Once in the hat please

Tall Girl Running 11:38 AM, June 15, 2009  

I've been a faithful follower for quite some time. Two for me!

Chris Jones 11:50 AM, June 15, 2009  

Enter me three times. Here's a comment, I followed you, and I'll post a link to this giveaway next.

My blog is here.

Mario 12:02 PM, June 15, 2009  

HOLY SMOKES! A lot of people read your blog! People I know, but didn't know they knew you and you knew them. You know. Count me in.


Mario 12:06 PM, June 15, 2009  

Oh, I guess I'm in three times cuz I already have your blog linked on mine (with current updates) and posted it.


Anonymous,  12:48 PM, June 15, 2009  

Ummmmm - free shoes would be nice

Velma 12:53 PM, June 15, 2009  

Steve -

This is Beth from St. Louis. I am a "follower" and I will post a link to the contest on my blog (it will go up tomorrow).


CaptainSuburbia 1:03 PM, June 15, 2009  

Just one name in the hat! Just takes one...and a virtual sawbuck under the table?

Chic Runner 1:06 PM, June 15, 2009  

i'm a follower. i stalk you. and you do the same to me. it's mutual.

justme 1:16 PM, June 15, 2009  

i just followed you so this counts twice - comment and a follower

ernieptoo-google 1:40 PM, June 15, 2009  

New shoes? Count me in, pretty please!

Anonymous,  1:53 PM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve, this Andrew Watkins from Canal Fulton, OH. I posted about this on my blog, nwbicyclist.com, and followed you on my blogger account and my RSS reader, so put my name in the hat three times! Thanks!

Saphi 1:54 PM, June 15, 2009  

Hi Steve! Saphia from New York, NY. I follow your blog so please enter me twice. Thanks so much!


Judy 1:58 PM, June 15, 2009  

Can we still get 3 votes if we post a comment, already a follower, and pimp your blog?


Love your blog and not just for the free stuff. You have a good wife.

Judy A.

TriRed 2:05 PM, June 15, 2009  

Wow, you scored yourself a lot of comments today! Yes, please enter me into the pool for free shoes since everyone loves free shoes. By the way, I did the Kansas 70.3 this weekend and think this would be a great race for you guys next year since there is a costume contest! You could use those yellow shorts somehow to tie into a Wizard of Oz theme! :)


D Nyce 2:06 PM, June 15, 2009  

Hi Steve,

I'm Darlene Nyce from Fuquay Varina, NC. I don't blog, but I use Twitter and tweeted about this contest with a link. Does that add me twice? :)

Love the blog.


Alisa 2:31 PM, June 15, 2009  

I'm in for one piece of paper in the hat. I need to figure out how to use the google follower thing!

I'm not usually a huge commenter here b/c I never want to same something lame in response to your hilarious posts! You and Pharmie are my heros though...I think it's amazing you two do so many races together! Awww.

Christy 2:33 PM, June 15, 2009  

I'm always looking for new pairs of shoes! And I'm a follower! Count me in for two entries!

Justin 2:38 PM, June 15, 2009  

Hello Justin from Portland, OR. Just this one entry for me please!

KodaFit 2:41 PM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve!

Figured I'd go all out with 3 entries! I'm following, just stuck a post out on my blog, and here's my comment!


Lesser is More 3:17 PM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve - I'm a follower of your blog from VA, so count me in twice.

majorcane 3:29 PM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve, its Mark from Pawtucket, RI. I follow you on my blog and posted a link on my blog about your give away, so put my name in the hat three times. Thanks for the great give away - and the blog.

Anne 3:30 PM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve! This is Anne from Michigan. Cool shoes giveaway, and I wanted to let you know that I think you're such an awesome athlete. I followed you, added you to my blogroll, and linked back about the giveaway (http://harpingonfitness.blogspot.com/2009/06/nine-miles-down.html).

So that's a total of 3 entries. Thanks so much, and keep racing! I love reading your recaps :)

Erin 3:35 PM, June 15, 2009  

Toss me in the great melting shoe pot of America, please.

Any company that spreads the gospel of Pearl Izumi running shoes is a friend of mine.


Katie 3:37 PM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve!
Throw my name in once, please. I don't have a blog but love yours!

jeanne 3:55 PM, June 15, 2009  

wow this is a lot of work--i mean for YOU!

i followed you! I get two shots!

(Btw, i've been meaning to tell you how handsome and entertaining--and very very generous--you are. just sayin'.)

Tyly 3:58 PM, June 15, 2009  

I'd link to be included please! Thanks!

Unknown 3:59 PM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve - great contest. I of course follow you (although joined as a "follower" today and gave you a shout out on my blog. So my name goes in THREE times!!! :)
-Colleen (aka Irondiva)

Deanna 4:16 PM, June 15, 2009  

I need shoes! Please include me :)

Audrey 4:18 PM, June 15, 2009  

Hi! You've created a logistical mess-lots of comments for you to count! I think I get two entries...one for commenting and for following you on my bloglines (I don't want to mess up my blog following sysem by signing up with a new "followers" thing :) anywhoo, good contest! keep up the stellar work w/ your season!

Lorraine 4:20 PM, June 15, 2009  

Shiny! I'm commenting and I'm now following so that's 2 for me, please

(I'd post a link but I haven't yet actually started the blog so I can't do that)

Nat 5:04 PM, June 15, 2009  

I linked you, follow you and I'm leaving you a comment. Great job to you and pharmie this last weekend. A bunch of us locals are doing Chisago...hope you guys are?!

George Houston 5:26 PM, June 15, 2009  

You've been linked on thetrirunner.blogspot.com

tim 5:46 PM, June 15, 2009  

Shoe, shoes, shoes!

Lily on the Road 5:59 PM, June 15, 2009  

Sucks to live in Ottawa! Saucony's are the only shoes I run in....DANG! LOL...

Carolina John 6:01 PM, June 15, 2009  

Very cool steve! nice giveaway. yes, i "follow" your blog.

Cy 6:14 PM, June 15, 2009  

Wow-What a following!!

Count me in for two-I'm all about fast shoes :-)

girlrunningaround 6:27 PM, June 15, 2009  

Woo-hoo, what an awesome giveaway!And just on the eve of my old Nikes going into retirement...coincidence? I think not.

Stef0115 6:38 PM, June 15, 2009  

Hi Steve! Cool contest. Put my name in twice: once for this comment and then again for publicly following your blog.

I haven't updated my own blog in three weeks (although a race report is in the works) so I'll settle for two chances this time around.


Anita Baker 6:41 PM, June 15, 2009  

I am leaving a comment and I clicked the follow buttong so can I be entered twice? Thanks!

I'm new to running but have built up to 7 miles a run now and I need new shoes since mine are falling a apart! I hope I win!

Thanks for the chance to be in the drawing!


Hoolia,  7:07 PM, June 15, 2009  

Hi Steve! Love lurking on your blog and getting a good dose of humor and grossness added to my days. I'm afraid I have no blog, but please put me down once for the drawing. Thank you! And I love that you're coaching your students to do a tri - so awesome.

Dave 7:45 PM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve,

Thanks for the invite into the contest! Here's my comment, I've added your blog to my 'following' list, and I've posted about this on my own blog (altmizzle.blogspot.com). Thanks again!

Nicole 7:58 PM, June 15, 2009  

Steve...love your blog...follow your blog...a link to your blog is on my blog...love saucony running shoes...love online shoes dot come, they rock...and apparently 110 other people think so too...enter me in!! :)

Michelle 8:12 PM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve
Ok me too! I follow you and a comment make 2!!


Unknown 8:22 PM, June 15, 2009  

I've been un-officially following and have wanted to comment for a while so I guess now is as good a time as any! Help this poor student out with some kick-ass shoes!

Chloe 8:30 PM, June 15, 2009  

Free shipping? I'm in :)

ELee 8:44 PM, June 15, 2009  

I hadn't heard of onlineshoes.com until now. Thanks!

Runs with Beer 8:52 PM, June 15, 2009  

This is to cool... I have followed and bookmarked your blog (count me for two). Like the info and look forward to hearing back from you in a little over a week about the cool prize you are sending me.

teacherwoman 9:19 PM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve! I am too excited that you get to give away a free pair of shoes! This ND girl is very much interested. I already follow you (note avid reader) and posted a link to your blog in my post tonight! SWEET!

Unknown 9:22 PM, June 15, 2009  

Please throw my name in twice! I'm now a follower of your blog. I love shoes! K.W.- Portland, OR

Jeri 9:35 PM, June 15, 2009  

Put me in for three votes! Or just save yourself some trouble on send the certificate my way. Mama needs a new pair of (running) shoes! I'm following you and included a link in my blog.

Monica S. 9:39 PM, June 15, 2009  

new to your blog. free shoes drew me in!

The Boring Runner 9:51 PM, June 15, 2009  

Wow, 120 comments and counting - that is awesome!

Count in in twice - maybe three times if I get off my blogger ARSE and post a link - but probably just twice to be safe.

Jeff Bent 10:15 PM, June 15, 2009  

I could sure use some new shoes after Grandma's on Saturday. I really enjoy reading your blog. Keep up the good work.

Jen B,  10:20 PM, June 15, 2009  

Count me in! I would love a new pair of shoes! What girl wouldn't?

Darrell 11:44 PM, June 15, 2009  

Hey Steve, what fun. I've enjoyed reading of your antics for quite a while but rarely comment. I've go you on my bloglines for sure. I wouldn't want to miss anything. So that's like two entries, right. Hope so, but it only takes one to win, so count me in. Thanks to you and onlineshoes.com. I've used them before for my beloved Brooks.

Kelly 5:17 AM, June 16, 2009  

I really want those shoes :)
And I follow you- so that's two for me!

Christine 7:00 AM, June 16, 2009  

Free shoes? Cool!

I follow you -- at least if that means I read you blog -- I follow you (I'm not real savvy with the lingo.)

So that would be two then...

Leslie 8:04 AM, June 16, 2009  

omg i totally want this! pick me pick me. this is an AWESOME GIVEAWAY!

Brandon Miller - Milhouse44 8:04 AM, June 16, 2009  

Who does'nt love shoes....
I will follow and post a link to your site thanks.

Being chubby doesn't mean you can't run, you just can't run fast.

Leslie 8:04 AM, June 16, 2009  


Jenny Evans 8:10 AM, June 16, 2009  

I only train in Saucony. Let the gods be smiling down upon me....

Sara 8:19 AM, June 16, 2009  

Who doesn't like free shoes?

E-Speed 8:30 AM, June 16, 2009  

I've done a ton of races in my saucony grid sinisters now, and I really like them! Hope you do to!

Added you to my follow list (had you on bloglines before) ;)

Iron Girl Nyhus 8:33 AM, June 16, 2009  

I want the free shoes! Pleeeeaaaase!

Spie 8:35 AM, June 16, 2009  


I have been a lurker on your blog for a while, but I will break my stalking tradition for a chance for shoes.

Please put one entry for me in the hat.

Jen T 8:37 AM, June 16, 2009  

I follow you! And I need new shoes!

George 8:50 AM, June 16, 2009  

This is the closest I will ever be to having a sponsor!

I came, I linked, I followed.

Hat trick FTW!

Anonymous,  8:53 AM, June 16, 2009  

Hi Steve!
This is a comment saying I want new shoes!
(One name in hat).
I also follow you on my Google Reader (Two names in said hat!).
AND I'm about to add a link to your blog on my own blog! (Three whole names in hat! Woo!)
P.S. Congrats on yet another great race. Just looking at how fast your times are make me want to vom (how I would feel if I was to even attempt to go that fast) -- and that's a compliment.

econutjob 9:21 AM, June 16, 2009  

I don't really need the shoes - as I run most races barefoot.

Still I want to win. And just had a can a brawndo - so I WILL WIN!

And I just followed so two entries will guarantee me a win!

William Eddy

Rachel Manwill 9:41 AM, June 16, 2009  

I'm following you and I re-blogged the giveaway here: http://whatagrandworld.blogspot.com/2009/06/free-shoes.html

Starting my training for my first marathon today! Mama needs a new pair o' shoes!

Judi 9:45 AM, June 16, 2009  

steve- thanks for the heads up. put my name in. xxoo - judi

Laura 9:51 AM, June 16, 2009  

Love your blog!
I am a follower so please put my name in twice. Yay for free shoes!!

Jenny Davidson 10:06 AM, June 16, 2009  

Am I too late for the possibility of FREE SHOES?!? I signed up as a follower...

Congrats on PR and to Pharmie on what sounds like a tough half-iron!

k 10:41 AM, June 16, 2009  

i reeeeeeeeally need new running shoes :)

i just signed up for my first tri - very excited!

http://gokristen.wordpress.com 11:22 AM, June 16, 2009  

Hi Steve!
1. Leaving a Comment :-)
2. I am a follower!
3. I posted your link on my blog!

Crossing fingers that I win!

Audrey 11:45 AM, June 16, 2009  

Hi Steve! I have actually been following your blog for awhile, but I didn't officially start "following" it until today...and I also thought this was a good opportunity to make my first comment! :) I love reading all of your entertaining training stories and race reports...I just finished my first triathlon on Saturday and it was SO much fun...reading your blog definitely got me excited to do it since you make triathlons look like a blast...and sure enough, they are! Congrats on your Olympic PR too...you and Pharmie are both awesome!

Unknown 12:37 PM, June 16, 2009  

Hey Steve. Of course I'm a follower of your blog and have a link to your blog from mine. The shoes look great.

dpaff 12:47 PM, June 16, 2009  

I've been following your blog for awhile now but now it's official. Sorry, I don't have a blog of my own but if I start one I'll link you on it. Reading your blog and others has inspired me to try triathlon again after 21 years since my last tri. Going to take on the half ironman at Muncie Endurathon in just under a month now. Wish me luck.

Melanie 1:57 PM, June 16, 2009  

Yay for free shoes! I could use a new pair for my marathon training.

I follow your blog, and I made a post on mine today telling my readers to come on over and check you out! Three entries, if you please sir...

Maggs 2:19 PM, June 16, 2009  

me. me. me. I want a free pair of shoes. And I'm following you now. That's sort of creepy if you ask me. And I'm gonna link to your blog from mine :-)

Samantha 2:32 PM, June 16, 2009  

Hi, I'd love some shoes. :)

Deanna 2:39 PM, June 16, 2009  

I like to win things!

RunToTheFinish 2:48 PM, June 16, 2009  

new running shoes..I'm saliviating...let it be me God!!

RunToTheFinish 2:49 PM, June 16, 2009  

You are on my blogger dashboard, i may not comment a lot but I watch your crazy antics

Paige 4:50 PM, June 16, 2009  

I love free! And, Saucony is my RSOC [Running Shoe Of Choice].

Thanks for the chance to win!

Paige 4:52 PM, June 16, 2009  

PS- I'm now a follower of your blog. Great stuff!

Joel Vollmer 6:19 PM, June 16, 2009  

So, can I just skip steps one and two, post a link and get three entries? That would be rad.

runningyankee 6:55 PM, June 16, 2009  

love new shoes!! and have now added you to my blog role, mostly for the commentary (85%) but somewhat for the free shoes (15%). :)


good luck. happy training!

Unknown 7:02 PM, June 16, 2009  

Hi, Steve. I am following your blog as of today, and will also post on mine, so put me in for three!

Colin Hayes 8:07 PM, June 16, 2009  

Hi Steve,
Count me in for three. I followed, posted a link on my blog (www.resurrectedrunner.blogspot.com) and, obviously, left a comment. Great blog, btw!

Running and living 8:18 PM, June 16, 2009  

Hey Steve, put me in twice (comment plus follower). Thanks, Ana-Maria

Julie 8:55 PM, June 16, 2009  

I'm in for 3! Comment, follower and linked!

Your blog is funny and inspiring, love to read it!
Thanks! Julie Sedore

Cheesecake Kelly,  9:07 PM, June 16, 2009  

Steve, I am so flattered to be included in your "Athleticly-Inclined Friends!" Thanks. Maybe I will win and make that more true....

Badgergirl 9:34 PM, June 16, 2009  

Throw my name in the hat three times Steve! I've commented, am following and posted a link on my own blog (www.adventuresofbadgergirl.blogspot.com.

Allison Dyck 9:54 PM, June 16, 2009  

Hi steve, I read your post about the shoes and I really like your pictures , my blogs watchmetri, I do tri in the DC metro area and I am a runner, keep up the good blogging

Viper 3:21 AM, June 17, 2009  

Hi Steve,

This is Viper and I found your blog through Run For Life (I mention that becasue she is Canadian and thus not eligible, ha ha Shrek). Anyway, I am a deployed Marine who is throwing my name in the hat twice: this comment and I'm subscribing to your blog through Bloglines. I would go for the hat trick but I had to tear down my blog while deployed so, such is life.

I am a runner who will continue with my running insanity when I return to the states next month (hopefully with a new pair of free paw guards, hint, hint).

Gotta go pray to the Random Number Generator gods...

-- Viper

Tim Wilson 7:13 AM, June 17, 2009  

Hey Steve, thanks for doing the giveaway. You can throw my name in that hat two times as I followed your blog as well. I would post something on my blog, but time doesn't allow right now.....

Missy 8:07 AM, June 17, 2009  

Steve! I am a follower and am running an onlineshoes.com contest myself. The links are all over the place. ....and I'm leaving a comment. My contest ends at 12 noon CST on Thur, June 18! $100 to onlineshoes.com.

Got to: missysironmanflorida2008.blogspot.com

Oh, since I can't win my own, put me in for yours;)!!! Woohoo.

Lenore 8:26 AM, June 17, 2009  

Enter me! I'm subbed to you and I'm posting an entry on my blog to promote the shoes www.xanga.com/lenore_happenstance

Jeff 8:58 AM, June 17, 2009  

I don't want the shoes, I NEED the shoes! They'll make an awesome replacement for the ones I've burnt-out and beat-down over the past 18 months in Officer Candidate School in the GA Army National Guard! Oooh, pick me, pick me! :)

Thanks for all you do ~ keep up the good work!


Kimberly 10:36 AM, June 17, 2009  

Kimberly from Orlando, Florida

Stefanie 10:54 AM, June 17, 2009  

Hey Steve,

Great Blog.
1) Comment- Check!
2) Following- Check!
3) Pimping your contact on my blog- Check!

Not only did I pimp your contest, I also pimped your blog, your sense of humor and your port-o-potty pics on my blog!



Jess 11:00 AM, June 17, 2009  

I like new shoes! Adventures of Badgergirl recommended your blog. Fun reading!

Right Brain Girl 12:10 PM, June 17, 2009  

My friend Lenore Happenstance over on Xanga recommended this post, now I'm following (and not just for an extra shot at free shoes).

JP Severin 1:13 PM, June 17, 2009  

Hey! Free shoes is something I am interested in!

JP Severin

Jeremy Hagerman 1:30 PM, June 17, 2009  

Wow, I especially love a company that offers free shipping when you buy a pair of shoes at an already discounted price!

Anonymous,  2:43 PM, June 17, 2009  

I'd love to get these shoes. I'm just starting out running and I'm really enjoying it! I never, ever imagined I'd be a runner.

I'm subscribed to your blog through my google reader now!

ShesAlwaysWrite 3:22 PM, June 17, 2009  

Hi Steve! I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I'd love to have my name in the hat. I'm also going to 'follow' you... and it does it count that you're already in my Google Reader : )

My PT told me having a second pair of running shoes might help alleviate the Plantar Fasciitis that took me out of last season and is trying to ruin this one, but right now I've got to spend my money on pesky stuff like diapers. Here's hoping my name comes out of that hat : )

Michelle 4:56 PM, June 17, 2009  

hey this is pretty cool and my sister lifeaccordingtocoleybear@blogspot.com has your blog on her blog so i thought i would say...it takes a lot guts to walk through a port a potty barefooted and congrats on several good races all of your crazy (and i mean that nicely and with the utmost respect) ironpeople are an inspiration to those of us who just have fun with sprint tris. happy training : )

Unknown 5:37 PM, June 17, 2009  

Me! Me! Pick Me!

I never win anything. I think this is a good time to change that trend. :-)

Unknown 5:50 PM, June 17, 2009  


Love the blog.

1) Comment - Check
2) Following - Check
3) Pimping your contact on my blog - Check

Have a great day

J~Mom 7:16 PM, June 17, 2009  

Momma needs new shoes!! I am a follower!!

J~Mom 7:19 PM, June 17, 2009  

I am a follower now anyway. ;>)

MissAllycat 12:06 AM, June 18, 2009  

Consider yourself pimped.

Comment? Check.
Followed? Check.
Blogged about? Check.


Unknown 6:13 AM, June 18, 2009  

A comment.

Does that count?

Kellye Mills 7:36 AM, June 18, 2009  

Hey Steve!

I did all 3! And, I even posted a thing about it on my blog and then forgot to make a comment until now. :) Thanks!

Jumper 2.0 8:09 AM, June 18, 2009  

Look at all these entries. My chances may be better with the lottery! ;-)

Thanks for the chance Steve. I have become a follower (technically was before via RSS), advertised on my site and now am throwing the hat in here for my 3 entries into the chance to win.

M 8:21 AM, June 18, 2009  

Hey steve-
Yay for free shoes!!! Thanks for doing this contest! I am now "officially" following you!

Unknown 8:27 AM, June 18, 2009  

Hey Steve,

Any shoe with Sinister in the name has to be cheating. Are those shoes illegal? Have they been tested? But, I'd love to have something like them.

I already follow your blog and posted a link back, guess that makes me a three time winner.

Ben 8:36 AM, June 18, 2009  

I am in, especially since they have my Mizuno's and I need a new pair in two weeks

Anonymous,  8:49 AM, June 18, 2009  

I live with you. Don't I deserve some shoes?

- Steph

Ally 9:03 AM, June 18, 2009  

I am relatively new to the running game and my BF (Running Around Acres) is the culprit for getting me into it. My current goal is to run the Honolulu marathon in December with Team in Training! I NEED THESE SHOWS!! I will follow your blog and be happy to post back on mine...even though it talks mainly about or farm rather than running...I leave the running gab to the BF on his blog so people don't get confused! Thanks so much for the chances!

tfh 9:06 AM, June 18, 2009  

I want shoes! Also, I loved Saucony even before I knew they made a shoe called the "Sinister."

B.o.B. 9:07 AM, June 18, 2009  

Hey Steve!

I am now following you. I have posted a link on my blog AND here is my comment.

Now where are my shoes? ;)

Widget 10:54 AM, June 18, 2009  


Don't know if you remember me but we rode together at WIBA your ironman year. I'm up for IMWI myself in September.

I'm now officially a follower of your blog even though I've reading it for quite a while.

Thanks for the entertainment!


Jenn 11:17 AM, June 18, 2009  

Hello, thanks for doing this giveaway. And I am a flollower

Charlie,  11:34 AM, June 18, 2009  

Thanks for having this give-away! I read your blog ALL the time.

I attended a rival South Central Conference school about the same time you did - though I didn't run track or cc because of my fear of having to compete against your talent.

That's right, I'm a kiss-ass.

Kim 11:37 AM, June 18, 2009  

wait, what do i have to do? i dont like reading instructions.

Julia 12:59 PM, June 18, 2009  

Oh wow, what a great giveaway. I need some shoes! And, I am now following you :)

Jennifer 1:11 PM, June 18, 2009  

Hi Steve! I'm an American living in Canada, but I have an American address, so I hope I'm still eligible! I go both ways. :-)

I also am now following you on my blog, even though I already follow you on Google Reader. Apparently I really need shoes.

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Want to use something seen here? Just ask - I don't bite.