Commenting Closed

>> Sunday, June 21, 2009

Entries are no longer being taken for the $75 gift certificate giveaway. There were a TON of entries with many people commenting about how great their past experiences have been with

Now, I’ll be giving everyone who entered a number, with multiple numbers given to those who earned extra entries, and I hope to do the drawing later tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow (hopefully) with the announcement of the winner! If you aren’t a blogger and you put yourself in the running to win the gift certificate, make sure to check back so you can contact me if you get picked as the winner. (If you commented as a blogger, I can get a hold of you through your profile or your blog, so don’t worry.) If I can’t contact the winner in 24 hours after announcing it, I’ll have to draw again. You’d hate to have that happen to you!

Happy Sunday!!


Anonymous,  1:04 PM, June 21, 2009  

Hey Steve,

Obviously this comment is not in regards to the comments on the giveaway being closed. I just have a question about tri wetsuits. There's a sprint tri on Cape Cod in a month and the race description says the water will be low to mid 70 degrees. It will be my second sprint tri and my first open water swim. Do you think I should invest in a wetsuit/ is it necessary?

Thanks so much!


Julia 12:36 AM, June 22, 2009  

Hi Steve! This is Julia from Chocolate Shoestrings. Thank you so much! my internet is being funky so I will email you first thing tomorrow morning! :)

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