CVA Tri Club: Run/Eat Wieners/Clean Bikes

>> Thursday, June 04, 2009

Last night, just 20 minutes after my "Runners Squirts" that I mentioned in my last post, a group of students came over for a workout. We're still shooting for a sprint distance triathlon in about 7 weeks!! Here's the group ready to run 3 miles:

From L to R: Brice, Jennifer, Sarah, me, Melissa,
Ben, Cynthia, Jamie, Hannah, and Rachel

We started out, and they were WAY TOO ENTHUSIASTIC after a few blocks:

Brice was "striding it out" a little too early in the run:

Jamie and Ben led the group out. Check out Jamie's sweet back tats that you can see through his shirt (they are big squares with a design in them over his shoulder blades):

Here's everyone else running down the hill by St. Thomas. Hannah is getting ready to pick her nose for the camera:

Hannah = Gross

They hit the turn-around 1.5 miles away, and headed back towards home. I didn't go all the way out with them. Yes, I DID inform them all about what happened in my bathroom just before they arrived, and I didn't want to re-aggravate anything. (Again, see my previous post if you don't know what I'm talking about...)

Here's Ben and Cynthia working their way back up the St. Thomas hill, about a half mile from being done:

Again, still WAY TOO MUCH ENTHUSIASM for the end of a hard run:

Everyone successfully finished 3 miles!! Then, we sat down to eat some grilled wieners.

In the house, watching "Wipeout" on ABC

In the backyard

On the back steps

After that, we cleaned bikes! About half the group brought their bikes along, so we degreased the chain and cassette, dug any grime out of the cassette, wiped down the chain, and re-lubed everything. I didn't take any photos of this because my hands were always covered in degreaser. When we got done, there were still a few students hanging out in the driveway:

(Notice: that's usually my bike cleaning setup. I put the bike against a 6 foot ladder, and the pedals have enough room to be spun backwards to use the chain cleaner. I can also blast our bikes with a hose if they are really dirty. You can see the big degreaser stain under Rachel's bike against the ladder that accumulated after degreasing 6-7 bikes.)

Rachel's bike was one of the older ones. And the chain needed a LOT of love! It was covered in rust and gravel. Here it is after a few minutes of degreasing, wiping down, and re-lubing:

Back in tip-top shape!

It was a good workout, good grub, and good know-how for these triathletes-in-training!

Today, I'm still taking it a little easy because of my "liquid poo" incident after my workout yesterday, so I didn't swim. I think I'll do a long swim tomorrow, a hard brick on Saturday, and maybe an open water swim with Julia and the gang early Sunday morning. Then, an oly tri next weekend!! Happy training everyone!!


X-Country2 2:03 PM, June 04, 2009  

Yeah, I'm going to need to see a real picture of those back tats. Tell that boy to strip down and hold still. Some random girl on the internet wants to see some skin!

Carolina John 2:11 PM, June 04, 2009  

always fun to get the kids out there for a bit. nice job!

Kevin 2:30 PM, June 04, 2009  

Those kids are lucky to have you as their tri coach

joyRuN 3:24 PM, June 04, 2009  

That's one happy bunch you got there!

Why are you still hunched over like that? Residual cramping?

Steve Stenzel 3:34 PM, June 04, 2009  

JoyRun - HA! Yeah, let's call it that.

No, but really, I was OK at that point. My stomach flared up a little after I ran part way with them, so then I held back and kept everything in check!

Jess 3:36 PM, June 04, 2009  

Clearly, these students are high. They are having WAY too much fun.

Marlene 4:15 PM, June 04, 2009  

Too much smiling - they're not working hard enough!

Unknown 4:23 PM, June 04, 2009  

What a great coach to provide wieners

331 Miles 4:23 PM, June 04, 2009  

Rachel is going to be loving life if she has a flat. No quick release skewers...

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 7:11 PM, June 04, 2009  

Looks like you could use some "old" people in your tri club...thoughts on that?

I know several that might be interested.

At a minimum, maybe your group could meet our group for a workout of some sort.

Let me know.

Run For Life 12:52 AM, June 05, 2009  

They look like they are having an awesome time! I hope your GI tract decides to behave itself now.

Mike 6:49 AM, June 05, 2009  

Rock on!!! Looks like all had a good time! Good luck with the poo incident. I would have went for the swim, it has the least distance between workout and bathroom. Rather have an issue there than 40 miles out on a bike! lol

Irish Cream 1:42 PM, June 05, 2009  

Looks like so much fun, Coach Steve! Hope your stomach starts behaving itself soon! That is the WORST!

The Boring Runner 1:03 PM, June 07, 2009  

Your group really looks good. It looks like they’ll stick it out and finish the race!!

CoachLiz 5:45 PM, June 07, 2009  

You have taught them a good lesson. Triathlon is FUN! Way to go on showing them how to take care of their bikes.

sRod 3:56 PM, June 14, 2009  

That's a lively group you have there! Maybe purple tights are the key to runner's high.

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