>> Tuesday, June 09, 2009

We had our first “CVA Triathlon Club” swim workout this morning! There were only a few people interested, and a couple of them couldn’t make it to this lesson. We met with Andrea and Cindy at the Y for an hour-long lesson (they called the class “Triathlon Performance” which I thought was pretty cool! It sure beat “Trying Not To Drown 101”).

Here’s Rudy and Trent looking pale, tired, weird beefy as we were getting ready to start:

Then the guys got some instruction from Andrea:

Cynthia and Sarah were a little more advanced then Rudy and Trent, so they worked with Cindy. Here they are discussing some kick drills:

Rudy and Trent started off SLOWLY, but soon they were making good progress! Andrea had me show them (nearly) perfect form once the drills got a little more advanced. Here they are working on some of their drills:

Trent working on his breathing.
Keep that lead hand up!

Here’s Cindy working with the girls at the far end, and Andrea working with the boys in the foreground:

After an hour, the girls had made improvements in their form, and the guys made LEAPS and BOUNDS in their swimming ability! Here’s the 5 of us as we were wrapping up:

Cynthia, me, Sarah, Trent, and Rudy

Thanks Cindy and Andrea!! I think us guys will be back for another lesson in 2 weeks! These guys are now PUMPED to be swimming! Before, they were really freaked out!

I think the tri club is going to meet for our first BRICK workout on Friday morning. I'll just be watching, because Pharmie and I are doing the Liberty Triathlon on Saturday!


K 12:59 PM, June 09, 2009  

"Trying not to Drown".. LOL!

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 1:07 PM, June 09, 2009  

Looks like a lot of fun...they will be ready for open water in no time.

Alisa 1:39 PM, June 09, 2009  

Pool drills really do help!

I think it's so fantastic that you have a Tri Club to meetup with.

Carolina John 2:10 PM, June 09, 2009  

Cool, get them in the pool early! respect that swim distance!

Unknown 4:42 PM, June 09, 2009  

I'm jealous. I need someone to work with me on my horrible form.

Run For Life 5:25 PM, June 09, 2009  

Awesome, looks like it was fun as well. :)

CoachLiz 6:25 PM, June 09, 2009  

So when do you tell Trent and Rudy about the wonderful benefits of swim jammers rather than board shorts?

Great job Coach Steve!

Jess 7:48 AM, June 10, 2009  

If I were to ever do a tri, I'd need lessons exactly like that!

KK 11:00 AM, June 10, 2009  

Great idea for the group lesson/club.

Good luck at your race on Saturday!

The Boring Runner 5:23 PM, June 10, 2009  

I need a club - that looked like a really good time!

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