
>> Thursday, January 29, 2009

A while back, I started a Wellsphere account. Wellsphere is a place to meeting other athleticly-inclined friends, set goals (running/eating/lifestyle/etc), and track mileage. AND, if you have a blog, it will automatically publish your posts on your Wellsphere page too! So I set a half-marathon goal and started logging my miles...

Then they started a "People's Health Blogger Award" contest, and I was in. I'm currently about 15 votes out of the top 20, and about 40 votes out of the top 10 (and a few hundred out of first). Voting is only through the end of the month (Saturday), so if you could, I'd be greatly appreciative if you could take a minute to vote for me! Either click on the "Vote Now" logo at the top of my sidebar, or click on the logo below:

Speaking of voting, I'm starting to look for sponsors for the “Best Newbie Story & Embarrassing Photo Combo” contest that I want to hold! (Do you know of anyone who has something great to donate as a prize for this contest??) Start digging up old embarrassing/funny photos from when you starting running/swimming/biking/etc, and think of a short story that is funny/inspiring/crazy/motivational to go along with it, and look for details in the next month...

Thanks everyone!!


Bill Carter 8:11 AM, January 29, 2009  

Hi Steve

I just voted for you and I'm happy to say that I voted my conscience because you are awesome.

Best of luck.

Steve Stenzel 8:19 AM, January 29, 2009  

Wow!! A vote because I am "awesome." Can life get any better!

Thanks Bill!!

duchossois 9:14 AM, January 29, 2009  

Voted, and added a Vote for Steve badge to my blog as well.

Good Luck!

ShirleyPerly 9:17 AM, January 29, 2009  

Done! You certainly deserve it for being so crazy. (You make me look sane :-)

Anonymous,  9:40 AM, January 29, 2009  

You got my vote.

I said because you maintain a healthy attitude to health, by not taking it or yourself too seriously.

After all, there's plenty to be said for NOT being so healthy, for just burning it up and giving it away....

Now, for the real reason....

Contrary to some people's opinion, I'll have you know that I think your feet are really QUITE nice....

Keep those gross foot photos coming....

Steve Stenzel 10:26 AM, January 29, 2009  

ShirleyPerly: I LOVED your comment on the voting page on Wellsphere!! HA!

Duchossois: Your comment on the voting page was very nice! Thank you!!

And Anonymous: I'm glad you love the foot photos - I knew SOMEONE had too!!

Thanks again everyone!! OK, break is over... back to teaching...

X-Country2 10:53 AM, January 29, 2009  

Love your shamelessness.

Not that it wasn't effective, because I totally voted. :o)

KodaFit 10:59 AM, January 29, 2009  

You've got my vote, and a vote link on my blog as well (Although I think both my readers are already avid fans!!)

George Houston 11:03 AM, January 29, 2009  

You've got one more vote!

Good Luck!

Unknown 11:56 AM, January 29, 2009  

One vote for me. Remember all of us little people when you become blogosphere famous.

rolf 2:58 PM, January 29, 2009  

Steve, just voted for you, and would add a link for you on my blog, but I don't know how, and don't think I have enough readers yet that it would help you any :-) Good luck!

Shannon 3:50 PM, January 29, 2009  

Voting for you only because I can't vote for me, j/k. hehe

BTW, I hate the foot photos but love blood soaked frozen face photos.

Michelle 4:40 PM, January 29, 2009  

I voted for you dude!!!

You so deserve it!!!!


Michelle 4:40 PM, January 29, 2009  

I voted for you dude!!!

You so deserve it!!!!


The Boring Runner 12:31 PM, January 30, 2009  

Yay, I voted for you. Vote early vote often!

Unknown 10:57 AM, January 31, 2009  

steve - read this article:

i'm moving my blog and taking my old one private.

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