Shout Out

>> Sunday, January 11, 2009

Just a quick shout out to Shirley who is currently visiting our winter wonderland here in Minnesota. She’s here from a MUCH warmer climate to race in the Zoom Yah Yah Indoor Marathon in Northfield, MN (40 miles south of St. Paul). That’s 150 laps on a 282 meter track!! And you people think I’M crazy!!

So send your good vibes to Shirley running in Northfield this morning! I’m busy today, and I’m totally bummed because I’d LOVE to be able to cheer her and the other runners on! Go Shirley! For the love of God, don’t get dizzy! Enjoy MN!!


skoshi 8:06 AM, January 11, 2009  

Go, Shirley, GO!!

Funny enough and coincidentally, I just visited Shirley's neck of the woods (warm weather/early season training)--unfortunately, she was visiting someone else's neck of the woods, and we weren't able to meet up.

I'm dedicating my run today to Shirley. Even though it's cold out there, I know I can't skip it!
Sending good vibes.

Mel-2nd Chances 9:04 AM, January 11, 2009  

that's a lot of laps... not sure i can do that, but give credit to anyone that goes for it! Go Shirley!

nwgdc 11:49 AM, January 11, 2009  

she's nuts. i only plan on running 94 laps.

Jess 1:06 PM, January 11, 2009  

Northfield is where my husband's family lives.

ShirleyPerly 2:02 PM, January 11, 2009  

Thank Steve for the shout-out!

I'm done with all 150 laps and the only thing that feels strained is my vocal cords! So much fun yelling and cheering every lap. I know you're crazy enough to do it someday!!

Unknown 2:54 PM, January 11, 2009  

150 laps on a track sounds like mental torture.

Trishie 3:40 PM, January 11, 2009  

go shirly go! (and try to keep your sanity!)

Kevin 6:58 PM, January 11, 2009  

I dont know if I have then mental fortitude to do something like that

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 8:09 PM, January 11, 2009  

Hey Steve:

There is no way I could do that. By the by Sunshine was at the event and took pictures.

By the by, I'm glad that lady driving the car didn't really hurt you. People just don't pay attention!

Marci 9:52 PM, January 11, 2009  

Go Shirley! I actually just ran my 27.4K/15 mile run today on an indoor track. Boring, but flat! Hopefully ipods are allowed!

Marci 9:52 PM, January 11, 2009  

Go Shirley! I actually just ran my 27.4K/15 mile run today on an indoor track. Boring, but flat! Hopefully ipods are allowed!

Marlene 7:22 AM, January 12, 2009  

Kudos to Shirley! I would go downright insane!

chia 11:57 AM, January 13, 2009  

Wow! That's just nuts :-)

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