Screw You, Gnarls Barkley

>> Wednesday, January 14, 2009

“Dear Steve,
Video Disabled
A copyright owner has claimed it owns some or all of the audio content in your video My First Chest Waxing. The audio content identified in your video is Crazy by Gnarls Barkley. We regret to inform you that your video has been blocked from playback due to a music rights issue.”

Oh come on! Is there really some lawyer trolling YouTube looking for this stuff? Yes, I used Crazy - it’s a fitting song when one is getting all of his chest hair ripped out. I cut it up and used parts of it - I didn’t play it from start to finish. And it’s not like I’m using it to somehow make money. My YouTube account has officially made my $0.00. I actually used the song off their CD that I purchased. That’s like Canon saying every photo I make with my Canon camera is property of Canon (OK, I know that’s a stretch, but COME ON!).

Now my list of videos on YouTube looks like this:

Good thing they don’t know about Facebook. I have the video there, too. Hee hee. I just got a Facebook page a few weeks ago. From what I understand, there’s this "book," and now my "face" is part of it. I dunno. If we are good enough blogger buddies and you think we should be Facebook friends, make sure to let me know who you are in your friend request (your blogger alias).

Thank you, Facebook! Screw you, Gnarls Barkley!

I hope Kanye West doesn't come after me for this:

Direct link:

And I'm guessing the people from "8 Minute Abs" would not be happy if they found this little compilation of mine:

Direct link:

(Note: the title of this post was blatantly stolen from blogger buddy XT4. He had a post back in October called Screw You, Sheryl Crow that, well, let’s just say it’s a very similar situation. Only XT4 wasn’t being waxed in his video.)


Jumper 2.0 9:43 AM, January 14, 2009  

These people don't realize what helps sell their products. Maybe it's their right, but it's their stupidity too!

IronGambit 10:49 AM, January 14, 2009  

wha........................................................................................... :)

Iron Girl Nyhus 11:29 AM, January 14, 2009  

I hope these people realize how many people read your blog!!!! Go Steve!

jen 11:49 AM, January 14, 2009  

That's just weird. I can't believe they were concerned with that!

Marlene 11:59 AM, January 14, 2009  

Those people really need to find something better to do with their time. Like, COME ON! Besides, it was free advertising!

Ian 12:04 PM, January 14, 2009  

Ironically, that is Crazy!

Chic Runner 12:16 PM, January 14, 2009  

Oh gnarls. Wow steve, glad you had a video of your first chest waxing up though.

nwgdc 12:25 PM, January 14, 2009  

That's it. I will NEVER purchase a gnarls cd, in protest in your honor. Ever. Screw you, Gnarls!

Amy 12:29 PM, January 14, 2009  

They can't take away the Grim Reaper/Kanye West video!!!!!

Unknown 12:45 PM, January 14, 2009  

I have to agree. You are not making money off of it. Pathetic, how many millions did Gnarls lose over that?

tfh 12:47 PM, January 14, 2009  

HA! I took the Gnarls Barkley CD out of the library and downloaded the songs from that. Whatcha gonna do NOW, GB?

These videos are hilarious!

Julianne 12:59 PM, January 14, 2009  

Omg, seriously??? What's the big deal YouTube???

Bootchez 1:01 PM, January 14, 2009  

Did I actually somehow miss a chest hair waxing video?!? Darnit!

Anonymous,  1:23 PM, January 14, 2009  

Busted. Steve Stenzel, Public Enemy....

It was divine retribution, for being so mean to those Fellas....

Well, so far this has been a busy year for Little Stevie Stenzel, run over, busted for copyright violation....

What's next? Arrested for drunk & disorderly conduct, after hitting the booze to kill the pain, the humiliation....

The year is young....

Stay tuned for Ironman's YEAR OF SHAME....

Tyger Lily 1:45 PM, January 14, 2009  


I am officially boycotting gnarls barkley. Congratulations to his PR group! Good job!

Calyx Meredith 2:11 PM, January 14, 2009  

Hmmm - I didn't think copyright worked like that! I thought that if you paid for it and weren't "distributing" it and weren't making money off of it (as in using it to sell something), then you could use it - even publicly and be legit. (Guess not.)

If you had posted a video on You Tube of you and Pharmie dancing at your wedding could the person who wrote the song you were dancing to have your video blocked? It seems petty and beside the point! (Especially coming from a group (?) whose very name is a play on someone else's fame, eh? Or is that just coincidence?)

Maria 3:49 PM, January 14, 2009  

You should be charging Gnarls Barkley for the publicity you rang up with that video! You've got a big following that will pretty much play any song you play, unless it’s Milli Vanilli...that may be a stretch. I’m sorry for your loss.

Stef0115 3:58 PM, January 14, 2009  

Oh good freaking grief!

Thanks for re posting the Grim Reaper dance again tho. That made me laugh all over again!

Missy 4:11 PM, January 14, 2009  

I guess Gnarls is really hurtin for money since HE/THEY ONLY HAD ONE SONG...jeeeze, get over yourself Gnarls least come up with a new tune.

Trisaratops 4:17 PM, January 14, 2009  

OMG, THANK YOU for posting your grim reaper dance again. Best video EVAH. I really needed the laugh today! :)

Michelle 7:30 PM, January 14, 2009  

I have one question:

WHY you do that????


ShirleyPerly 7:43 PM, January 14, 2009  

Wow, I'm surprised he even bothered to bring it up to the YouTube folks. As you said, it's not like you're getting rich off of using it ...

Kevin 8:41 PM, January 14, 2009  

Thats ridiculous. The person whose job it is to troll the net looking for this stuff must be an unhappy person

Mark 9:30 PM, January 14, 2009  

Hate to break it to you guys, but Gnarls Barkley had very little to do with the video being taken down. It probably would have been the record company (in Gnarls Barkley's case, Warner Music Group) that told YouTube to take it down.

And to Calyx, unfortunately, you thought wrong and it is possible that wedding video could be blocked...

Sarah 9:37 PM, January 14, 2009  

Way to fight the man. ha ha

Lucinda 2:13 AM, January 15, 2009  

I can't stop laughing, brilliant.

More I say, more.

Ordinarylife 3:35 AM, January 15, 2009  

That video should have been removed - due to down right insanity! Why the heck would you do that?????

Jess 7:30 AM, January 15, 2009  

While I feel for ya, copyright laws actually do protect an artist's material in that context. It's amazing how much stuff you think you can use but you really can't. Like all this stuff here on your blog? Techinically beglongs to Blogger. Yeah, re-read your user agreement.

xt4 8:20 AM, January 15, 2009  

My brother. I feel for you. Phil Collins recently screwed me as well (No more "In The Air Tonight" on part 2 of mine). Bastards, all of 'em.

Jamie 8:33 AM, January 15, 2009  

I say you record yourself singing over the original Gnarles Barkley track, and then put that over the video and re-upload.


Mendy 11:39 AM, January 15, 2009  

Holy shit. Those are some of your funniest videos.

CoachLiz 4:56 PM, January 15, 2009  

I guess you need to start singing on your videos. It would be like the auditions on American Idol. Do those kids have to pay ASCAP to go in front of Simon and sing???

Unknown 2:12 PM, January 16, 2009  

Nobody named Gnarles can be trusted. Nobody!

M 9:04 AM, January 18, 2009  

First off, Gnarls can eat a butt. I mean really. They need to let it go.

Second off, the Kanye one brought tears to my eyes. I can't stop watching it.

J~Mom 9:59 PM, January 18, 2009  

I would think Kanye would want you in his next video if anything!

audgepodge 10:21 PM, January 19, 2009  

OK, that Grim Reaper video was one of the funniest things I've ever seen!

And yeah, I heard YouTube is notorious for taking down videos featuring unlicensed music. So lame!

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