Half Marathon Shortened!

>> Friday, January 23, 2009

I just received this e-mail:

Just a note to let you know that the half marathon course has been shortened to approximately 6.5 miles (or half of the marathon distance) for tomorrow. The start time will remain the same at 9:00am.

Shit. There goes my shot at a PR. (And I think they meant "half of the HALF marathon distance.") The most recent weather reports are saying 10 below at the start with 6-15 mph winds (that's -23 to -32 wind chill).

Well, here's to my quarter-marathon race! Be back tomorrow...


Sara 4:06 PM, January 23, 2009  

Sorry to hear about this, I know you have really been training hard. Is there another half marathon in the area in the next few weeks that you could sign up for to hopefully still use your fitness to PR? Just a thought.....

There is a half marathon this weekend in NYC in Central Park....just sayin'....it's there for you. ;)

Amy 4:18 PM, January 23, 2009  

That sucks. Look on the bright side though, have you ever PR'ed a 6.5 mile race? (Probably not b/c they're aren't any.) So cheers to you PRing a 6.5 miler!

Chloe 4:23 PM, January 23, 2009  

That is crazy! Good luck! Once again, watch out for the frozen snot. Ugh.

trigirl82 4:23 PM, January 23, 2009  

That sucks. But I suppose hypothermia and frostbite might suck a bit more. Haha. :-) Sucks though to prepare and then to have the weather ruin you plans.

Still, look forward to reading about you kicking ass! Good luck. Stay warm! :-)

nwgdc 4:24 PM, January 23, 2009  

I had that happen this summer due to Hurricane Ike. That sucks, man! And you were gonna kill it!

Giving any thought to running the course before the actual race starts to get in your half?

Anonymous,  4:26 PM, January 23, 2009  

It bites ... but less than frost!

Unknown 4:36 PM, January 23, 2009  

Yeah, but you'll have a quarter marathon PR for sure!

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 4:36 PM, January 23, 2009  

This winter has been quite enough!!!

Sorry to hear that the race is shortened, but you will still do GREAT.

There is always Fargo 1/2 (May 9th)
Or the Wells Fargo Lake Minnetonka 1/2 (May 3rd)...

Mike 4:39 PM, January 23, 2009  

I feel your pain Steve. It looks like you have to set your sites on the Laceup Again Breast Cancer 1/2 Marathon in Rochester on Feb 15th! http://rochestertrackclub.com/Calendar/Calendar-Detail.aspx?raceID=172

audgepodge 4:39 PM, January 23, 2009  

Oh no! I can imagine how disappointed you must be... but I agree with the others, so you'll get a different PR instead!

GoBigGreen 4:41 PM, January 23, 2009  

Sorry:( Hammer it anyways.

Anonymous,  4:44 PM, January 23, 2009  

Argh. Well, run well anyhow. And have fun!

t-odd 4:48 PM, January 23, 2009  

I just posted the same sentiment, but, hey, I would not want to be one of the volunteers standing out in that weather getting water splashed on them for hours. So I can't really blame them. Good luck!

Coach Liz 4:55 PM, January 23, 2009  


Can you hop a plane and come to Austin, TX for the 3M 1/2 Marathon??? How about joining me in Disney World for the Princess Half Marathon on March 8th? You would have to wear a running skirt though. I know you would consider it, LOL!!!

Tall Girl Running 5:19 PM, January 23, 2009  

I don't get it. Isn't running 6.5 miles in that kind of cold as bad as running 13.1? Or is this for the sake of volunteers and spectators who have to stand around frozen in place?

Regardless, good luck! Now you can take a hot shower and drink a steaming cup of coffee that much sooner.

Anonymous,  5:25 PM, January 23, 2009  

Awe, sugar. That's what yuh get. We turn you into Steve Stellar, Steve Superstar, Steve Stupdendous, and you prostrate yourself before the first Olympian you meet, without even offering her your autograph, or a boo at your blisters. It's retribution. As the weather tanks like GM, you run the first SUB-ATOMIC "marathon" in history. It does wonders for your time, which might or might NOT be a source of pride to you, as ANTI-MATTER....

Alisa 5:29 PM, January 23, 2009  

Bummer!!!! Sorry about that...you've been working so hard.

Stupid weather.

Mel-2nd Chances 6:11 PM, January 23, 2009  

ugh! That sucks. Sorry to hear that, but you'll get your PR on the next one :)

Missy 6:17 PM, January 23, 2009  

I'm sorry, disappointing for sure. PR this YEAR...sometime!

Judi 6:21 PM, January 23, 2009  

bummer steve! but really? -10??? that's just crazy.

teacherwoman 6:24 PM, January 23, 2009  

Oh man, that freakin' sucks. But, it is nasty cold out there again. Brrr.

Darcy Franklin 6:40 PM, January 23, 2009  

Yuck. Too bad I will be in AZ......

Anonymous,  6:44 PM, January 23, 2009  

Good luck on your shortened race! My word, 10 below! Really? And I complain about running in our freezing FL of 25 degrees.

Kelly 6:45 PM, January 23, 2009  

That sucks, but if you wait til Spring, you could get a SUPER PR.

Sarah 8:11 PM, January 23, 2009  

That is sucktastic. But also freezing. I don't know how you guys do it.

Unknown 8:36 PM, January 23, 2009  

Good luck on the quarter. Maybe it will become a half to do distance for the future.

Marlene 8:40 PM, January 23, 2009  

Aw, bummer. But you can set your very first quarter-marathon PR. Bundle up!

b 9:24 PM, January 23, 2009  
This comment has been removed by the author.
b 9:26 PM, January 23, 2009  

Bummer, bummer, bummer Steve...January in the midwest is so frickin' unpredictable....grrrr! Watch out for shrinkage issues and frozen bits :-)also remember the warmth of Steelhead HIM 2008...

Kelly 9:57 PM, January 23, 2009  

damn. Have fun in your half half!

Jenna 10:05 PM, January 23, 2009  

Aww. Poop! Good luck anyway - turn it into something as positive as possible anyway - I know you can do that! Or, come to Canada as I believe the coldest half marathon that we had up here was -45 degrees celcius and there were still lots of people running it with personal options to stop at half if they were too cold. We have one in Feb (Hypothermic Half). Bring Pharmie and you can both stay with me!! Good Luck!

Jen Rife 10:47 PM, January 23, 2009  

You may still get a PR.... because I'm guessing you've never done a 1/4 marathon before! Take what you can get!

Diana 11:43 PM, January 23, 2009  

plenty of time for PR's-the season is young!
Awesome pic of you and Michelle with the autograph!

Jim Smith II 12:48 AM, January 24, 2009  

Dude - Shorter run or Frozen Icey Death!! Go with shorter run ;-)

Michelle 7:38 AM, January 24, 2009  

Hey Steve,
You will do great no matter the distance!!! It's way too cold to run the half. There will be others right???



Shannon 7:51 AM, January 24, 2009  

I HATE THAT! The good news is, at least they did'nt cancel it. Run the best 6 you can bud!

Jess 8:36 AM, January 24, 2009  

So they couldn't just make it 6.2 and call it a 10K? That could have at least given you a chance to shoot for a 10K PR!

Anonymous,  9:03 AM, January 24, 2009  

This ranks with the great disaster head-lines of the century.


Nobody would accuse you of wanting perspective, no sir!

We'll man the wireless station, watch for flares, send out the Carpathia, and lower the life-boats.....

This one's a RUN TO REMEMBER....

Fade into snow banks as the music swells: "Near, or far-r-r-r/Wherever you ar-r-r-re...."

Hold the course, Cap'n.

kara 2:18 PM, January 24, 2009  

A quarter marathon sounds cool!
; )

sRod 8:39 AM, January 31, 2009  

A PR by default then!

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