
>> Wednesday, January 07, 2009

OK, OK... I know I’m about a week late. As I said last year, I’m not much on New Years Resolutions. Last year, my resolution was simply to “do stuff.” And “do stuff” I did: 25 events with 11 of them being duathlons or triathlons.

This year, I have 3 actual specifics:

• Last year, I wasn’t too speedy in transitions (actually, I’ve been slow in transition EVERY year I’ve been doing triathlons). I always approach them as just the “in between time” between two events. So my times have suffered. In my 2:37:33 Olympic-distance tri this past year, 6:42 was transitions. Ouch. So, I want to get faster in transition.

• I did a good job in 2008 at working my core in the pre-season and during the du/tri season. And it REALLY helped everything! I hardly got any side-stitches last year, and that’s NEVER been the case before. But in the past few months, I’ve been slacking off with regards to my abs. So, I want to get back to doing some good core workouts.

• I got a quick massage a few weeks back at one of those “walk-in, fully clothed” massage places. It was actually pretty great! She really worked some crap out of my legs! If Pharmie’s and my budget allow, I’d like both of us to get a few short “maintenance” massages throughout the year. So, I don’t know if this REALLY counts as a resolution, but I’d like to get a few short massages throughout the year. Yeah, that one sounds good...

Oh yeah, and
- lose weight
- eat my vegetables
- promote world peace
- control my flatulence
- stop drowning kittens
- etc

Speaking of New Years, here’s our New Year’s card that went out about a week ago:

Click on the photo for a larger version

I know what you're thinking: only Steve would have his ass on his holiday card. Can you name the 3 events that are in the card?

Happy 2009!!


J 12:44 PM, January 07, 2009  

I like your resolutions! I was just thinking about going and getting a massage last night!

K 12:57 PM, January 07, 2009  

Stop drowning kittens? should I lol or...Great card for New Years!

Amy Jurrens 1:01 PM, January 07, 2009  

And just where do you propose to lose weight from? Geez! You're 155 pounds!

My resolution is to eliminate the word verification from my blog comments. Done! (Thanks for the advice!)

If you want to work that core, I have one word for you - yep, you know what's coming................


That's all I'm gonna say. (except for Kinetic Edge in Woodbury and Brad Nelson. There, I'm done.)

Anonymous,  1:15 PM, January 07, 2009  

I like the cats. They're great.

For New Year's, I think you should resolve, at least if you're thinking of leaping feet-first into a relationship, to keep you your socks on....

Just kidding. I realize it's a matter of "love me, love my dog(s)"....

Talk about committment!

Anonymous,  1:15 PM, January 07, 2009  

I like the cats. They're great.

For New Year's, I think you should resolve, at least if you're thinking of leaping feet-first into a relationship, to keep you your socks on....

Just kidding. I realize it's a matter of "love me, love my dog(s)"....

Talk about committment!

Unknown 1:41 PM, January 07, 2009  

looks like house posin, kitty posin nad just posin. Those are the events.

triguyjt 1:48 PM, January 07, 2009  

lets see....
faster transitions
stronger core
more massages

how about stronger massages...??
faster massages...
or transitions with massages...

theres no end to the possibilities

X-Country2 1:50 PM, January 07, 2009  

All good resolutions. Especially the message one!

Marlene 1:54 PM, January 07, 2009  

Awesome Christmas card!

Looks like a good plan for '09 too - I could use a few massages myself.

Nitmos 1:58 PM, January 07, 2009  

I'd like to get a few short massages through out the year also. In fact, I just knocked one out today.

Sorry, was that off color?

Unknown 2:39 PM, January 07, 2009  

When I was doing triathlons, transitions were probably my strongest area. I'd spend about 30 to 45 seconds - that was it. The two keys to fast transitions were having everything prepared well ahead of time and practice, practice, practice. You won't get faster in the water if you don't swim a lot and you won't get faster in transition if you don't practice them as well.

Good luck with your 2009!

Marathon Maritza 3:00 PM, January 07, 2009  

Perhaps controlling flatulence and not drowning kittens should be further at the top of the list? No?

LOVE the new years card! 3:13 PM, January 07, 2009  

Try finding a chiropractor that will hire a masseuse then charge your insurance for "physical therapy".
It works great! And no money out of pocket!

joyRuN 3:14 PM, January 07, 2009  

Cute New Year's card!

Were you controlling the flatulence in the @$$ pic?

Zach 3:56 PM, January 07, 2009  

I'm surprised the tomato outfit didn't make the cut! Good luck in '09. I had some bad side stitches this last year and wouldn't you know it, I didn't do crap for core strength. I believe you've just inspired me to add core workouts to my schedule!

Viv 3:57 PM, January 07, 2009  

Great "to do" goals Steve. I love the New Years card, and I know I recognize the pics.

Sunshine 4:28 PM, January 07, 2009  

Great card... and pretty kitties, too. Nice running New Year's Day.
Congratulations on the statistics for 2008!

Jess 5:30 PM, January 07, 2009  

You send out a New Year's card? I've never heard of that. Do you also send out a Christmas (or Hannukah) card?

chia 6:12 PM, January 07, 2009  

Awww best family shots ever! Great resolutions -- rock the ab 2009!

Kevin 8:32 PM, January 07, 2009  

Nice new year card. I had never heard of sending cards for the new year before

How about one more resolution. Try not to gross your readers out too much, or at least warn us that there are funky foot pics coming

SixTwoThree 10:03 PM, January 07, 2009  

Couldn't get your card to load. On Safari or Firefox. Is it you or is it me? Would love to view it!

Darcy Franklin 10:37 PM, January 07, 2009  

We have "solve conflict in Iraq" on our calendar this month. Maybe we should cure cancer too?

Actually, I just want to be able to do 20 pull-ups in a row. Without getting off the bar. Realistic? Not sure.

Check out my latest blog post on our Crossfit women's adventure night! Good times. Don't be jealous.

LHE 12:24 AM, January 08, 2009  

Massages would categorize as Perks! But if getting Perks is a resolution - go for it!! :)

Missy 6:37 AM, January 08, 2009  

If you are going to resolve to eat more vegetables...I can promise that you need to throw control your flatulence out the window. They just don't go together!

Missy 6:37 AM, January 08, 2009  

If you are going to resolve to eat more vegetables...I can promise that you need to throw control your flatulence out the window. They just don't go together!

Glaven Q. Heisenberg 7:44 AM, January 08, 2009  

- control my flatulence

Yes, because if it could only be controlled and harnessed for the good of society, think of the potential benefits!

The energy crisis - SOLVED!

And, if your flatulence could be weaponized, it'd be TEH MOST DEADLY WEAPON 4EVAH!

Of course, we'd have to make sure it didn't all into the hands of terrorists and rogue nations ...

Make this happen and your @$$ will be on the cover of TIME AND NEWSWEEK!

Best of luck w/ the resolutions!

Michelle 8:30 AM, January 08, 2009  

Great freaking card!! I love it and dare i say i love you!!

Yikes!!! Well in the bloggy runner funny guy kinda way!!!

I'm just saying!!

Happy Thursday Steve!!!

Renee 9:09 AM, January 08, 2009  

I do agree with you that that in order for the world to be more peaceful we do need less farting, kitten-drowning people out there. Good resolutions!

T 12:33 PM, January 08, 2009  

depending on the race, aren't some transition times going to be longer than you'd like just due to your spot from the timing mats? the past two years i've done my tri i've been about at the furthest possible spot from the mats.

still, i like that goal. i need a lot of help on that one, myself.

Born To Endure 1:33 PM, January 08, 2009  

Awwww that's so sweet, I hope I find that love!

tfh 2:33 PM, January 08, 2009  

Core work helps with side stitches? Cool!

I love the massage resolution-- I made it too. I've been to a few of those walk-in places, though, and now I'm kicking myself: oops. you're supposed to be fully clothed for those? How humiliating.

Charisa 5:02 PM, January 08, 2009  

Did you have a complete outfit change in your Olympic tri?! ;) Sounds like your resolutions are great!

Maria 5:29 PM, January 08, 2009  

The resolutions look great and so does the family holiday card.
Good luck with the resolutions, I'm sure it will be painful to get the massages, but I know you'll tough it out.

Christopher, Amanda, and Babies 5:38 PM, January 08, 2009  

A massage once a week is my life line . . . DO THAT Brutha.

KK 9:23 PM, January 08, 2009  

I am so relieved to see that your cats managed to escape your kitty drowning tendencies.

Great resolutions. I for one think you should keep the blog "grossness" goin' strong in 09.

Alisa 10:12 PM, January 08, 2009  

Great resolutions...I will be finding out about transition times this summer when I do a Tri!

Michelle 8:07 AM, January 09, 2009  

Where do you find this stuff?!
The guy running what I hope is a marathon because really nothing less or even that is worth the level of degradation!!! CRAZY
One of the race sites on your postcard is Steelhead. Is the one where your butt is sticking out at the viewer Lake Chisago?
Feel like I should know the third, but I don't.

sRod 7:02 AM, January 17, 2009  

No stitches after core workouts huh? Definitely soemthing to rotate into the training this year.

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