1 Quick Photo from the Winter Carnival Half Marathon!

>> Saturday, January 24, 2009

We found out yesterday that the half marathon scheduled for today was going to be shorted to a quarter marathon. Then, before the race today, they said it was a 10K, which, frankly, makes more sense. All of us finished, and all of us survived the bitter cold. We actually all had fun!!

I'll have my full report up in a day or 2, but for right now, I'll leave you with the photo I took of myself just after I finished. I throw the word "epic" around a lot, but I think this qualifies as one of the most epic "finisher photos" of all time:

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I got a bloody nose with over 2 miles to go. And notice my girlishly long eyelashes (which are only exaggerated by the layer of ice). And no remarks about my icy uni-brow. Unless you've got a good one... ;)

I'll be back with a bunch of great photos from the race in a day or 2. I ran the race with my camera, and I have some HORRIBLE pictures of me running that I really don't know if I can share. We'll see. And I've got a bunch of photos of our gang.

Stay warm out there!!


Chloe 2:43 PM, January 24, 2009  

Sweet picture! That is by far the most 'epic' finishing picture I've ever seen!

I was watching the weather channel at 5m this morning (6am run - wanted to make sure I didn't need rain gear!) and they where actually talking about your race and how they shortened it! From my experience when ever the weather channel talks about ANYTHING in your area - it's never good :)

Congrats on the race!

Unknown 2:53 PM, January 24, 2009  

oh my gosh, that photo! it must have been brrrrrrrrrr cold to have frozen eyelashes like that!

LoveOfShoes 2:56 PM, January 24, 2009  

Oh my. I will keep this picture in mind tomorrow when I am miserable in the cold during my half marathon- there is no way it will be that bad!!

Dave M 3:24 PM, January 24, 2009  

Great photo, Steve! Hope you had a good race despite the OMGHOWCOLDWASIT? Can't wait to hear all about it.

I skipped a 10K this morning because it was 13F with a wind chill of -4. Balmy, I know, but I just got off the treadmill from a hard 5 miles so at least I got a good workout today.

Missy 3:50 PM, January 24, 2009  

OK, sometimes, you just gotta go inside. Holy crap, get some more clothes on, get a hot tub or a shower to thaw out. Did you a lose a toe or anything? My contacts would have frozen to my eyeballs. Way to go!

Mel-2nd Chances 3:57 PM, January 24, 2009  

must have been damn cold! Great job on the race and getting out there!

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland 4:20 PM, January 24, 2009  

That definitely counts as epic...

And how many girls would *kill* for those eyelashes? :-)

chia 4:25 PM, January 24, 2009  

Dude, you're like a Yeti. Or something.

It's the abomi...



Whatever dude, that's just pimp!

jen 4:34 PM, January 24, 2009  

WOW Steve! It must have been freezing!

Congrats on the 10k finish- can't wait to hear the report. :)

Alisa 4:37 PM, January 24, 2009  

OMG!!!!!! I cannot even imagine. I would have stayed inside and not left the fireside!

Great job getting out there and geeting that 10k done!

Kelly 4:43 PM, January 24, 2009  

I'm speechless. Your eyelashes are ridiculous.

Mendy 4:47 PM, January 24, 2009  

That has got to be the best after race finish photo I've seen. Seriously! If anyone runs in that kind of weather, they deserve the label - and you do.

Wow. Impressive. Hope you are staying warm now.

Shannon 5:14 PM, January 24, 2009  

Best photo finish I've ever seen!

Marathon Maritza 6:12 PM, January 24, 2009  

Holy Crap, that looks cold!!!! Seriously epic. Way to get out there!

I'm digging the lashes LOL

Jen 6:15 PM, January 24, 2009  

This comment coming from Sunny Florida where it was 71 degrees today...HOLY SHIT!!!
Good for you! :)

RBR 6:16 PM, January 24, 2009  

Holy mother of God. That photo is the VERY definition of epic.

Seriously, they should amend the dictionary.

I don't think this picture is going to make it into the Visitors Bureau of Minnesota brochure.

Kevin 6:42 PM, January 24, 2009  

Look its a Steve-Sicle. Could you imagine what you would look like if you did the whole half?

RoadBunner 6:57 PM, January 24, 2009  

holy cow what a mug shot! The blood is like the icing on the cake!

triguyjt 7:16 PM, January 24, 2009  

you sure the camera didn't just reach out and wack you in the nose.?????

M 8:21 PM, January 24, 2009  

I actually gasped out loud when I saw this picture, and then shivered when I read the previous post about the weather. My gosh Steve. That just looks miserable.

Maggs 8:35 PM, January 24, 2009  

Okay, I'll stop calling 58 degrees cold.

Anonymous,  9:08 PM, January 24, 2009  

Steve Stella? You look like Lou Reed on Transformer. Weird. SEXY weird....

Sarah 9:33 PM, January 24, 2009  

I can't decide what is more shocking - the blood or the ice! Yikes

Marlene 9:34 PM, January 24, 2009  

omg, that is the most insane and amazing picture! can't wait to see more and hear about the 10k.

Unknown 9:47 PM, January 24, 2009  

I dated a girl in college that had great eyelashes like that.

Dang that picture proves you are way more hard core then I am.

Charlotte 10:04 PM, January 24, 2009  

Wow. That IS an epic race pic if I've ever seen one. Glad you survived!

Emily 10:41 PM, January 24, 2009  

This is the best photo ever!!!

Frame it.

Anonymous,  11:20 PM, January 24, 2009  

If the shocking blood-spattered mug-shot is any indication, we should be in for some really grizzly material.

But what's THIS? HORRIBLE pictures, that you don't mind telling us about, but aren't SURE you're willing to SHARE?

Isn't this TEASING?

Aka Alice 11:57 PM, January 24, 2009  

I am speechless...

I promise not to complain about how cold the start is in Carlsbad in the morning...

That's just crazy.

The Boring Runner 8:30 AM, January 25, 2009  

WOW. That is AMAZING. I guess now you know what you'll look like when your hair turns gray! Or you get some sort of illness that makes you grow crystals like one of those sugar / water experiment deals.

J 9:46 AM, January 25, 2009  

Wow your eye lashes look just as good as one of those models in a commercial for white mascara!

Jess 10:02 AM, January 25, 2009  

That is a pretty "epic" picture! Nose bleed and all, you look pretty tough!

MissAllycat 11:01 AM, January 25, 2009  

GOOD LORD, Steve!! You are freaking crazy. In a good way. :)

Sonia 11:15 AM, January 25, 2009  

Yes... this is epic... Bloody nose unibrow... good god!!

It must have been freaking cold, since when they shorten half-marathons?

Badgergirl 11:40 AM, January 25, 2009  

Yikes! Great picture. Can't wait to read about the race.

Anonymous,  12:02 PM, January 25, 2009  

NOW I get it(finally)....

It was a CONtest, to see who would get the most attention, STEVE IN A SPEEDO, GROSS or CUTE LITTLE PUPPY DOG....

Only there was no contest....

Against any other competitor, CLPD would have won BIG, but SIAS,G kicked that puppy's ass, for CUTE....

CLPD lost BIG! Not even an HONOURABLE MENTION. Up against SIAS,G it was like CLPD didn't even EXIST....

To think NOBODY even noticed....

What does this SAY about us?

At least locate the CLPD, and give it a bone....

Michelle 1:02 PM, January 25, 2009  

Wow bro outstanding photo!!! I would agree, its totally epic!!!

I look forward to your race report Steve!!!


Heather 1:29 PM, January 25, 2009  

What a great pic! Once they shortened the race, I decided to skip it . . . too far to drive to pay $35 to run 6+ miles in the frigid cold! :)

Kim 2:44 PM, January 25, 2009  

Holy crap. And here I thought I was hardcore for doing 7 miles in 25F temps!

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 4:38 PM, January 25, 2009  

WOW! Great photo.

Donja just love living here?

Congrats on finishing.

Trishie 5:17 PM, January 25, 2009  

yeah, I was going to say something about getting that unibrow waxed.

wow, compared to you my 30* run was tropical ;)

CoachLiz 7:14 PM, January 25, 2009  


I have had icy eyelashes before in Chicago after a February run, but that photo is wicked. You look like the Cold Miser from that Kris Kringle Christmas special that they played back in the 70's and 80's.

Wan't wait to read the full report.

Anonymous,  7:42 PM, January 25, 2009  

Agreed... that is an "epic" race finish photo!

BreeWee 11:15 PM, January 25, 2009  

OH MY GOSH! That is insane, please feel free to dethaw here anytime!

Run For Life 11:37 PM, January 25, 2009  

Looking at that picture makes me feel cold! I cannot imagine actually running and becoming that iced over. You are insane!

Casey 11:42 PM, January 25, 2009  

omg that is amazing. send me your face/cranium measurements and I'll knit you a ski mask. great job, dude. you are a tough cookie.

Aron 11:53 PM, January 25, 2009  

OMG - wow that is just crazy!

Anonymous,  7:50 PM, January 26, 2009  

Someone told me about your blog and this race, and once I read through it, I realized you guys are truly hard core. And I thought I was being tough this morning for running in 5 degrees (I live outside of Boston.) You guys do look like you had fun though - and now I don't feel like so much of a dork wearing a balaclava!

Great post!

sRod 8:47 AM, January 31, 2009  

Wow, that blasts my sweat-cicles out of the water. For some reason the term "mountain man" comes to mind when I see that picture.

Anonymous,  8:27 PM, March 11, 2009  

Great blog. Found the photo of your winter running gear laid out on the floor and the post about frostbite "down there." Similar experience here this winter at sub-zero xc ski races in Hayward and points north. Here's what we came up with. Steve in a Polar Jock? Take a look. http://www.PolarJock.com. Let us know if you want to try one. Still a few cold days left, apparently!

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