New Running Shoes… FINALLY.

>> Saturday, March 28, 2015

I don't think this has happened since my first year of running back in 2006, but I just wore 1 pair of running shoes for over a year. According to my running log on, I first wore my Nike Structures on 3/3/14. Then I sprained my ankle a month later, and cut back the running a lot over the summer. I wore them last on 3/24/15, having logged 550 miles on them. (And I may have forgotten to log some miles with them, so I could have had close to 600 miles on them.)

But on Tuesday, we stopped by Run N Fun to get a new pair. Charlie found a sweet pair of shoes too:

Two days later, I did a quick tempo run in my new shoes between 2 classes at Hamline:

Carpeting in a college football locker room is nasty. It smells like sweaty jock itch in here.

I did the middle 3 miles of that run in 6:13, 6:08, and 5:54, for a total of 17:53. So the shoes did the trick. (And they carried me another 7.7 miles just now - my longest run since the Twin Cities 10 Miler back in early October of last year.) Happy weekend, everyone!


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