1 Degree Run with Charlie

>> Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Yesterday morning, I Instagrammed this photo:

"The temps moved out of the negatives, so it was time for 4 miles with Charlie."

Yep, we're in the middle of a deep freeze. (If you don't want your kid to go to school today here in St. Paul, they won't be marked as absent.) But it's still possible to get out for a run. Charlie was thrilled to get bundled up as you can see by that big image above. Then I REALLY got him bundled up as we were about to head out the door:

Tucked in under his blanket and "toe warmer."

Totally strapped in outside, ready for a little snooze.

Three years ago when I was running with baby Henry, I could take all kinds of photos of him sleeping (see here, here, and here for examples) - once he was out in the stroller, he was OUT. But Charlie doesn't sleep as hard while running, so I don't reach in and snap photos like I did with Henry. So here's an "outside the stroller" shot of the sealed up stroller just over a mile into our run along River Road:

The good news about a 1 degree run? You OWN the trails.

He gave a peep just before mile 2, so I turned around right away. He crabbed for a bit, but then passed out again before we got home. I TRIED to get a photo of him asleep right as we got home, but my phone gave a "high temp warning" and wouldn't power up. I think it has it's temperatures mixed up. Here's a photo I grabbed of my phone when I got back into the house with it:

But my phone was fine a few minutes later as Charlie woke up:

In the house post-run.

Just under 4 miles was enough on such a cold day. With Henry, I remember that 20 degrees was the (loose) cut-off for "let's go long" vs "let's just get in a few miles." At 18 degrees, I'd just go stretch the legs, but at 22 degrees, I'd go 10-12 miles with no problem. (I ran over 500 miles with Henry in 2012!)

After a big, cold day with Daddy, it was time for a 2 dude bath last night:

Stay warm, everyone!


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