Trinona Time Trial Photos

>> Monday, January 12, 2015

So this race was just over 7 months ago, but I just found another album of photos from the 2014 Trinona Time Trial. Remember that TT?... It was the one that was only 3.5 miles long, but the last 2 miles were straight up Garvin Heights Hill: one of Bicycling Magazine's "Top 100 Climbs in the U.S."

(This was also the race where I was challenged to race and beat the race founder, Dave.)

Corralling riders before the start.

And I was sent off first!

Andrew and Dave starting 30 seconds behind me trying to catch me.

Dave (back) and Andrew.

Teammate Jenn on the flats before starting the climb.

This was the person who started behind Dave and Andrew
(60 sec behind me) who passed me by this point on the hill!

People climbing.

Teammate Jenn climbing, on her way to 7th overall and 1st female!

The guy who passed me hitting the line first (having passed the "lead car" behind him).

I came roaring to the line a few seconds later...

... still me...

... me again...

... that's how many photos you get of yourself finishing when the
album contains nearly 1000 photos of a 60 person TT!

Slow-poke Dave finishing 5.6 seconds behind me.

A topless weirdo running with bikers at the finish.

All kinds of stacked-up boxes of pizza for the riders at the finish.

There's a "new" (to me) album of photos from the Trinona Triathlon, so I'll share a few of those once I dig through them all. In the meantime, here's the full gallery of Time Trial photos where these images came from, and here's my Trinona Time Trial race report from last June.

Dave was so afraid of racing me this year at the Time Trial that he picked up his family and moved to London a few months ago. So we'll see if I get back down there to race this June.


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