The Sexy Feet of Pro Triathletes

>> Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Warning: There are 2 gross photos in this post. You might want to put your bowl of chowder down and wait to finish eating until after you're done reading. You have been warned...

About 2 months ago, pro triathlete Chris McDonald (AKA "Big Sexy") tweeted this note:

The link took us to this photo:

Yum. My kinda guy. You all know that I'm always up for a good "gross foot photo."

If you want to follow all of Big Sexy's tweets of his sexy feet, click here to go to his twitter page.

And just a few days ago, CY (a local pro) was tagged in a photo taken by her hubby. Here was the caption:

... and here was the image:

GAH! Nice!

Oh, and I should note that after the bleeding stopped, CY DID get in that bike ride! That's nuts!


RunningLaur 1:35 PM, December 29, 2010  

I posted a foot photo today! It's bad iphone quality, but still fairly vicious for still having all of my toenails (knock on wood!).

Unknown 1:40 PM, December 29, 2010  

My eyes! The goggles, they do nothing!!

Seriously, I made it through two 70.3 races and one Ironman without a toenail problem. Two weeks ago I ran a half marathon, and now one of my nails is black. Bah!

Aimee 1:54 PM, December 29, 2010  

Gross on the first one, Ouch on the second one!

Matt 2:07 PM, December 29, 2010  

I'm not sure if I've just got a strong stomach, or if your blog has desensitized me, but these gross foot photos seem run-of-the-mill nowadays.

Krista 3:46 PM, December 29, 2010  

HOLYSHITGROSS! Look at the oozy blood! Gah! Haha, that is phenomenal. Ow.

Anonymous,  8:49 PM, December 29, 2010  

I agree with Aimee.
I thought my feet were bad, but they look great compared to those!
Another reason to dream of becoming pro :P

Laurie 8:53 PM, December 29, 2010  

I asked my husband if he wanted to see a photo of a foot grosser than mine. He obliged so I showed him. "So where's the photo of a foot grosser than yours?" he asked after looking at it for a few seconds. Thanks, dear.
Three toenails fell off after training and running my first marathon 9 years ago. They never grew back.

Jarrett @ "PaddlePedalPlod" 12:43 AM, December 31, 2010  

;OIGEORMF;LKV that i've cleaned the barf out of my keyboard...
lost a toenail after my first 70.3 this august, thankfully it's mostly grown back...
Do we even need toenails anymore?

CoachLiz 5:10 PM, December 31, 2010  

Wow, those were yummy. How come I never loose any toenails???

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