Friday Funny 136: "8-bit Steve"

>> Friday, December 03, 2010

A former student of mine recently showed me a current assignment that she's working on. (I teach mainly college freshman, and now this student is a senior.) This student is working on a simple "flash game design" project. When she told me that she used me in her project, I was a little scared. ;)

She started with this photo of me and Carrie Tollefson from the Minneapolis Duathlon:

Then she cropped in on me:

And finally, she "drew over" me in Photoshop to create this "8-bit" portrait:

The slightly messed up hair and the glasses make this work.
But my gums kinda scare me....

This former student of mine is the main character in the game that she's creating, and her character runs into people around school: another classmate, the president of the college, and me. Here's the screen when she first encounters me:

Yep. That's about right.

(p.s. Speaking of art school, there's a great holiday art sale at the College of Visual Arts this weekend in St. Paul. I'll be there off-and-on all weekend. CLICK HERE to check out my photo blog for more info.)


SteveQ 12:29 PM, December 04, 2010  

Here you are in even worse resolution than 8 Bit:


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