Kona Coverage on TODAY!

>> Saturday, December 18, 2010

Today, NBC, 3-5 pm (central time)! I'll be watching.

Pharmie and I watched the live feed through her laptop hooked up to our TV with an HDMI cable back in October. We've never watched THAT much of it "live" before, and it will be interesting to see how they portray the race on TV today. This should be good!

While we were watching the live feed, we were working on some quilts (yes, we quilt together - shut your face). I showed this photo 2 months ago and made a joke about watching Ironman while working as my own Iron-man as I was ironing quilt blocks:

The cat didn't help with any of the quilting. Jerk.

During the coverage today, watch for a COOL commercial from "Trinona" - a local race that was just named "Triathlete's Choice Race of the Year" at Minnesota Tri Night. (Click here to see photos from Tri Night and see other award winners in the local tri community.) Here's a preview:

(Watch it bigger HERE)

Cool! Can't wait to see it on NBC! Anyone want to come watch it with me? ;)

And then tomorrow, I'm doing an indoor track meet. (CLICK HERE for more info on this series of indoor track meets.) I'm going to see if I can set a new mile PR! I don't know if it's possible, but I've got a plan in place, and I'll see if I can execute. I've been eating and training worse over the last 2 weeks, so that's gonna hurt. (But the 1-2 weeks before that, I had some GOOD workouts.)

My last mile race 2 years ago which is my current PR (4:54.6)

Wish me luck!

Back next week with a race report and the winner of the "Ultimate Stocking Stuffer Giveaway!

(UPDATE: Did you see my wife's Evotri teammate in the Kona coverage? Rural Girl was chatting with Kathleen Allen (the Mom [of 4 kids?] who crashed and needed her RoadID) near the end of the broadcast. You could hear Rural Girl say "You betcha" as she was running across the screen! Pharmie and I LOVED it! CONGRATS RURAL GIRL on your 15 seconds of NBC Ironman fame!!!)


Tri-James 12:19 PM, December 18, 2010  

Watch Kona live was awesome. I too wonder about the NBC coverage.

SteveQ 12:27 PM, December 18, 2010  

I think in that series it's a 1500 meter, not a mile.

btw, both you and Pharmie made my blog today.

SteveQ 12:31 PM, December 18, 2010  

My mistake. Tomorrow IS a mile.

Christi 3:20 PM, December 18, 2010  

I love the commercial!

SteveQ 2:05 PM, December 19, 2010  

I watched the coverage of Kona. The last person to finish showed that it's now like the marathon - anyone reasonably healthy can finish.

Steve Stenzel 4:12 PM, December 19, 2010  

Sorry, SteveQ, but you broke a cardinal rule regarding commenting about who can finish an IM: YOU'VE never finished an IM. You can be in A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. shape and have a bad day during an IM which will keep you from finishing. For example, they showed a pro who had a hamstring issue and had to quit the bike (and I don't think it was just because they weren't placing how they wanted to).

That being said, I DO believe that 99.99% of the general public who puts in enough miles can finish an IM at some point in their life. But why is that a bad thing? I know you didn't say it was bad, but what does that take away from IM? (knowing that "anyone reasonably healthy can finish"?)

SteveQ 10:46 AM, December 20, 2010  

Good point, though you don't actually know I haven't finished an IM! I'm not trying to say anything against people who attempt one, whether they finish or not - I had in mind rather the common public perception that these events are only possible for the very few, the very gifted. The coverage itself seemed to try to suggest this and THAT's where I have a problem - romanticizing a sporting event into a Herculean task, when it's more akin to learning a second language, something that, given time enough, most people can do with some measure of success.

What I should've commented on is that Kona, being a hot weather race, seems to favor the Australians. How many Aussies were there among the pros?!

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