St. Croix Valley Oly Tri Race Pics

>> Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The race photos are up from the last Oly of the season a few weeks back: the St. Croix Valley Triathlon in Hudson WI. Here’s some of us at work:

Pre-race: me with 3 chins in transition

Putting sunscreen on Pharmie with my tongue hanging out
(like a creep)

Pharmie turning the legs of her wetsuit “right side out”

Jen and her hubby listening to the pre-race meeting

Suzie, who I met at the first “Splash and Dash”

Males starting...

...I started WAY to the left for some “clean water”

Females starting: Pharmie’s in the yellow swim cap

Exiting the water, hitting my watch

Pharmie exiting the water, looking at her watch

Mark, the race director, zipping around in his golf cart

Pharmie on the run (headed to a 10:02 Oly PR!)

Me with my stopwatch (my prize for 2nd in my AG)

I like to go through the race photos to find some “fun” ones. Well, I have 2 more for you. First, here’s the buff tattooed guy that Sarah E (CVA Tri Club member who came out to cheer) and I had a crush on:

And finally, here’s one that the race photographer MAYBE should have edited out. I did not alter this image in any way. This is how it appeared. It’s kinda arty, and kinda creepy. Maybe I should buy it:

Good times.


Coach Liz 7:22 AM, September 23, 2009  

I think Abercrombie & Fitch should pick up that last photo for their new billboard campaign.

Fun photos!

Maria 7:25 AM, September 23, 2009  

man, the photographer must have been a fan of yours, there were quite a few pre race pictures of you!

Nat 7:38 AM, September 23, 2009  

Steve, I'll be at TC 10 miler and will cheer for ya as you go by. You'll do great. Awesome race pics!

X-Country2 9:46 AM, September 23, 2009  

Oh my, call me buff tattooed guy!

Kim 11:58 AM, September 23, 2009  

im with x-country2 :) nice photos and great job!

Chic Runner 12:49 PM, September 24, 2009  

the photographer maybe liked you too :) Great job you look like such a triathlete in these pictures!! (well you are, but you get the picture)

sRod 3:58 PM, September 25, 2009  

Eh, I don't find the last one so creepy. Just a misfire of the camera.

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