Top 3!! Yay!!

>> Tuesday, March 10, 2009

So, the results came in from our Indoor Triathlon on Sunday. In my race report I said I hoped to finish in the top 3 overall and have the farthest run. Well, DONE and DONE!

Swim: 9th overall
Bike: 5th overall
Run: 1st overall

Overall Finish: 3rd out of 60 athletes

As I pointed out in my last post, I was with 5 others who were doing their first triathlon. Borsch finished well and was 21st overall (with the 2nd farthest bike!). All of my students did SO WELL in their first triathlon, and their results are highlighted as well in the results above.

Looking at the results, I realized that if I was able to go 0.1 miles farther on the bike, I would have earned 2 more points, and I would have been tied with the overall winner!! D’oh! SO CLOSE! I should have pushed harder on the bike, because I won the run by 0.21 miles - I didn’t need to save so much for the run.

These results can teach us all a little something about doing well in a triathlon. The top swimmer, biker, and runner placed 2nd, 5th, and 3rd overall respectively. The person who won the event did NOT win any of the 3 disciplines. Huh... what does that tell us? I think it says that we don’t need to be THEE best at one thing; what we need to have is a solid balance across all 3 events. Just like B. Korb, the winner of Sunday’s event (6th place swim, 3rd place bike, 4th place run).

If you missed the race report and all the photos, scroll down to the post below. Thanks!

(BTW, Pharmie and I had a great swim date last night. I did 60 laps [3000 yards] in 51:28 [1:42.9/100 yd]. Freakin' sweet. These next 2 weeks I'll be ramping up my effort and distances as one final push for IM NO 70.3 in UNDER 4 WEEKS!! It's "go time" baby! Julia, wanna take me out for a good 3-4 hour ride?)


Maggs 3:50 AM, March 10, 2009  

Congats. I can't believe NO is less than 4 weeks away. Yikes I feel so not ready.

Anonymous,  5:44 AM, March 10, 2009  

**bows in total awe**

trimybest 5:46 AM, March 10, 2009  

great job! this is also the second race in a row where i predicted your result exactly! i guess i better go to vegas!

duchossois 5:56 AM, March 10, 2009  

Big congratulations on your overall 3rd...that is impressive. And congrats to everyone for competing. Well done.

Calyx Meredith 6:11 AM, March 10, 2009  

Congratulations! That's great that you met your goals and had such a terrific time with your friends. Yay!

Steve Stenzel 6:34 AM, March 10, 2009  

Trimybest - YEP!! Didn't you predict top 5 at the half marathon (where I placed 5th) and then top 3 at this tri?

You NEED to go to Vegas!!


Marlene 6:36 AM, March 10, 2009  

Top 3 with plenty of room to spare! Congrats!

Ann 6:37 AM, March 10, 2009  


Ordinarylife 7:05 AM, March 10, 2009  


To all of you.

Carolina John 7:26 AM, March 10, 2009  

good job Steve! way to go pulling a top 3. and i totally agree with you, balance is the key to everything in triathlon. training balance between all 3 sports, balance in strength training and core training, balance in stretching and yoga influence, it all ties together. good call.

Diana 7:36 AM, March 10, 2009  

Great job and that makes sense of how those numbers help in an overall tri.

Unknown 7:41 AM, March 10, 2009  

Awesome job. Possibly a first place was there but you always find time for the mug shots. They must be what is slowing you down.

Mel-2nd Chances 7:44 AM, March 10, 2009  

Wow! Great job Steve! Congrats!!

Unknown 7:57 AM, March 10, 2009  

Awesome job! That stink about the .1 left on the the bike. Congrats on the farthest run.

GoBigGreen 7:59 AM, March 10, 2009  

nice work all of you! Steve I would but....I will be riding in Tucson the next 9 days! When I get back YES!

Kim 8:15 AM, March 10, 2009  

AWESOME!!! you guys rocked it! you and borsch should definitely team up for some relays this summer!

ShirleyPerly 8:29 AM, March 10, 2009  

CONGRATS on placing third!!

Interesting about that point system. I forgot that all the times would be the same and so there must be some other way to decide rankings.

The Boring Runner 8:51 AM, March 10, 2009  

giggity giggity!!! All righhht!

That is awesome! How come you didn't post a picture of you with a huge bronze medal around your neck flava-flave style?

libgyrl 9:10 AM, March 10, 2009  

Damn, I'll be in New Orleans 3 days AFTER your race. Bummer....

SM 9:21 AM, March 10, 2009  

Well Done...Congrats!!!

Charisa 11:16 AM, March 10, 2009  

Nice job - sounds like you'll be ready for New Orleans! :)

Lindsay 11:33 AM, March 10, 2009  

congrats on 3rd place! how awesome, and you won the run portion as planned!

MHMarks 11:36 AM, March 10, 2009  

awesome job! I do feel that I must point out that one tenth of a mile on the bike would have gotten you tied for first, but regardless an AWESOME start to the season

Unknown 11:44 AM, March 10, 2009  

YAY! 3rd is awesome! Great job!

Gotta Run..... 11:55 AM, March 10, 2009  

Looks like someone is feeling better! Nice swim workout!!

I am suprised that the event had that many in it. How awesome!!

Irish Cream 12:57 PM, March 10, 2009  

Congrats on the 3rd place finish! I think it's so awesome that you got your students involved--many congrats to them as well! :)

Aron 1:13 PM, March 10, 2009  

awesomeeeeeeeeeee job!! :)

tfh 1:30 PM, March 10, 2009  

That's so cool! Congratulations. And kind of a neat lesson, too, for those of us who don't think we'll ever be #1 at any single event. :)

CoachLiz 2:12 PM, March 10, 2009  

Why am I not surprised that you were first on the run? You did have the magic "A-ha" moment when you realised that you have to have a solid banance of all three diciplines. Now go get on that bike and get in some more good long swims.


Darcy Franklin 2:32 PM, March 10, 2009  

My friend Teresa was the #2 person and she said the same thing.....had she only scored 1 more point!!! Sorry you got schooled by a girl, but I don't know many people that could beat her in the swim department(she is the Masters swim coach at Eagan LTF)!

Great job on the run! You smoked that treadmill!


Velma 2:34 PM, March 10, 2009  

GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!

Unknown 3:01 PM, March 10, 2009  

Great job! I can't believe that the guy in second did 29 lengths in 10 minutes. That's flying!

BaddApple 5:25 PM, March 10, 2009  

Great Job everyone! Now you have to bring your Harem over to the Lifetime this summer.

Unknown 6:43 PM, March 10, 2009  

Touche !!! That is freaking awesome. WTG, dude !

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