5 New Triathletes Have Been Born!!!

>> Sunday, March 08, 2009

Just a quick note to let you all know that our crew ROCKED the Lifetime Fitness Indoor Triathlon this morning!! I went with Borsch and 4 current/former students of mine, and all 5 of them KILLED IT!! Here are all of us before starting:

(I don’t know why R is flexing...)

I’ll be back tonight or tomorrow with a bunch of photos, so stop back shortly!! Congrats R, K, M, H, and Borsch!!


Gabriel Losa 1:13 PM, March 08, 2009  

Congrats to all of them!!!

The Boring Runner 1:20 PM, March 08, 2009  

That is great that they finished!! I assume that we'll hear all about it very soon.

*crosses fingers that there will not be any snot pictures*

X-Country2 1:41 PM, March 08, 2009  

Can't wait to read the reports. Congrats to you all!

Black Knight 2:05 PM, March 08, 2009  

Congrats to all of you. A very nice group ready to other glorious adventures.

Trishie 4:05 PM, March 08, 2009  

congrats! looking forward to the reports :)

Duners2 4:33 PM, March 08, 2009  

Yay Newbies!!! Woo Hoo!

Gotta Run..... 5:10 PM, March 08, 2009  

Now how GREAT is that!!! You guys rock!

t-odd 5:21 PM, March 08, 2009  

Congrats Rookies! Steve, are you flexing those pecs or are they just that impressive?

Steve Stenzel 5:28 PM, March 08, 2009  

HA! No Todd, they are just that "impressive." If I flex, they get higher and my nip-nips point up...

Marlene 6:23 PM, March 08, 2009  

Kudos to all! I hope the snot didn't get in your way.

Unknown 7:06 PM, March 08, 2009  

What a great picture! Can't wait to hear the details (although I got a little head start from Borsch's blog!)

IronWaddler 7:39 PM, March 08, 2009  

Great photo-ours is next Sunday!

chia 8:03 PM, March 08, 2009  

Sweet, congrats to all!

Lindsay 8:09 PM, March 08, 2009  

congrats! can't wait to hear the fully story and see the (hopefully non-disgusting) pics!

teacherwoman 8:24 PM, March 08, 2009  

That is so awesome! I am so mad I couldn't join y'all! I was even in the cities this weekend!

Anonymous,  9:25 PM, March 08, 2009  

Can't wait to read about it! Also, you and Borsch look like giants in that photo. Of course, I mean in a "super muscular" way, not a "was that a fat joke?" sort of way.

Unknown 10:06 PM, March 08, 2009  

Congrats to all. I'm looking forward the report.

Unknown 11:47 PM, March 08, 2009  

I can't believe you pranced around in spandex with your students. Isn't that illegal or something? or are you just trying to get a chili pepper on RateMyProfessor.com ?

Mike 6:51 AM, March 09, 2009  

Great job by everyone, way to ROCK IT!!!!

BaddApple 11:30 AM, March 09, 2009  

Great job brining he newbies over. I'm still debating if I should do the indoor. there are a couple more coming up.

sRod 3:12 PM, March 09, 2009  


Funny how you and Borsch stand there a little dazed bookending the girls--who all seem happier to be there.

Meg 7:34 PM, March 09, 2009  

Great picture! Good job, coach!

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