Dead Toe Watch: Day 62

>> Thursday, March 26, 2009

Yep, it’s been 62 days since my SECOND dead toenail appeared. Remember, a toenail on my LEFT foot died during a rough 12 miler a week before the Winter Carnival Half-Marathon. And during the race a few days later, a toenail on my RIGHT foot died.

Here’s what they looked like after a month:

And here’s what they look like today (just over a month from the previous photo):

Eww. Toe Fuzz. Sorry.

You can see the left one has “opened up” and drained out. That happened during the swim of the indoor triathlon a few weeks back (which lead Borsch to say “Eww! I was swimming in your toe-crap trail?!?” - he was sharing a lane with me). I just don’t want to lose them before IM NO 70.3 next weekend!

And if you remember the wager, if I don’t lose any toenails, I get a 30 minute back-rub from my lovely wife, Pharmie. But if I lose 1 or both, she gets a 30 minute back-rub from me. I’m still holding on to hope!!!

(p.s. The “Doughnut Run 5K” that I did last year is THIS SUNDAY!! I’m trying to figure out if I have time to drive 3.5 hours into Iowa for a 5K, race, and then drive back. Anyone interested in hitchin’ a ride if I go? You’ve got to be to my place by 4:30 am if we do this thing!)


C 6:35 AM, March 26, 2009  

Keep holding on to hope. I finally lost a toenail this morning that has been hanging on for months. Eww indeed.

If I lived near you, I'd totally do that 5K. I love doughnuts! :)

Missy 6:39 AM, March 26, 2009  

Oh man, do you get to hammer on some doughnuts during the run?

Blasted toenails...who needs em? Feels weird at first and then I'm just happy that they're gone. Don't have to deal with them hangin on like that!

Marlene 7:34 AM, March 26, 2009  

Good luck with the toe nail challenge!

sneakersister 7:36 AM, March 26, 2009  

Umm, yuck! Am I the only one who hasn't had to deal with the dreaded black toenail? Good luck with that Steve.

Calyx Meredith 7:54 AM, March 26, 2009  

If they've held on for 62 days then surely they can stay afixed long enough to get you through NOLA. Good luck with that!

RunningLaur 7:57 AM, March 26, 2009  

Looks like you have a case of 'the second toe is too long' that's causing all the problems! Good luck holding on!

Gotta Run..... 9:03 AM, March 26, 2009  

NICE toe! It has been a while since I have lost one. Still I beleive I have lost well over a dozen in the past 3 years. they just keep coming back :)

The Boring Runner 9:05 AM, March 26, 2009  

Good luck on the toes. I wish I could say that they looked 'better' but I'm not sure that I can.

I think I posted before - I went to ISU, so you have to go down and do the donut race! Ames is such a fun town. Although, you may want to leave 10 minutes early so that you don't get picked up by one of MN/IA's finest. I'd even offer to go up there and do it as well, but i'm doing a 5K in KC where there is snow in the forecast. Yay!

FLATOUT JIM 9:14 AM, March 26, 2009  

You should change the name of your blog to:


tfh 9:16 AM, March 26, 2009  

I have two toenails like that, too. They seem to keep on hanging on! I bet you're going to win that massage. (By the way, I highly recommend painting the rest of your toenails purple-- a classy way to camoflage the dead ones.)

Runner Leana 9:57 AM, March 26, 2009  

Swimming in toe crap trail...haha!

Diana 11:00 AM, March 26, 2009  

Why do I run????
Have not experienced this yet. Can't wait until my HM and see what happens! Now another thing on my crowded mind!

X-Country2 11:19 AM, March 26, 2009  

I have a major toe watch going on right now too. My feet however, are much cuter than yours. :o) 11:47 AM, March 26, 2009  

I say...Go DEFEND your title at the donut run!
Just don't get pulled over by a cop!

Unknown 12:19 PM, March 26, 2009  

I so wish I could be at that race. Man your toes are gross. Mine have been looking much better during this injured break from running.

Anonymous,  12:33 PM, March 26, 2009  

Damn, if I didn't have a long run that morning I would SO do a doughnut 5k.

Then again, I don't think I've EVER gotten up that early, so maybe it's better that I can't go.

Chic Runner 1:31 PM, March 26, 2009  

good luck on keeping those bad boys attached.... but i think pharmie should get a massage either way! :)

Alisa 2:14 PM, March 26, 2009  

Man, don't even talk to me about missing toe nails! I only have 5 of 10 right now. Thank GOD it's not warm enough for sandals.

Hold on little buddies.

Unknown 4:02 PM, March 26, 2009  

that's a long way to drive just for a 5k. but... hope the toenails stay attached.

I Run for Fun 4:26 PM, March 26, 2009  

I would run the least for the doughnuts.

Good luck on getting the backrub!

Rebecca 6:29 PM, March 26, 2009  

I love that you have an entire "Gross Foot Photo" category - AND it's extensive.

Michelle 7:15 PM, March 26, 2009  

EWWW your feet are ugly!!

Run the 5K!!!


Herself, the GeekGirl 9:49 PM, March 26, 2009  

Hey, we're twins! I have the exact same two dead toenails. Mine already fell off. I also have a big toenail that's half grown back. All of this, of course, stymies my need to get a Vietnamese pedicure, because I hate how freaked out the vietnamese ladies are at my missing toenails.

brendaj 11:45 PM, March 26, 2009  

Ew, gross. I have a green underwear pic for you on my blog - check it out!

Ordinarylife 4:03 AM, March 27, 2009  

Ewwww! Posts like that should come with warnings.....

Looking at my own toes in that state is bad enough and then go online and see more of it. Not good just after breakfast!

Anonymous,  5:51 AM, March 27, 2009  

I think, no wait, I DID throw up a little in my mouth.

CoachLiz 7:20 AM, March 27, 2009  

I will second Borsch on the "Ewww" on swimming in busted toenail ooze. That is nasty.

Hmm, drive seven hours to run 19 minutes and eat a crap-load of donuts a week before your 70.3 race? This coach says to take a pass and save it for next year. Better yet, make your own donut run for you and your training buddies in town.

Brian 8:21 AM, March 27, 2009  

I can always count on your blog to gross me out. Keep up the good work. Oh and knowing that you shave your chest, I razor to the toe and feet hair can't hurt. Just an fyi. Seems to help when running.

J~Mom 10:52 AM, March 27, 2009  

If you can believe it my toes are actually worse! BLAH!!

Eric 12:15 PM, March 27, 2009  

As gross as this is.....I'd rather see you in a speedo.

Funny....I've never had any black toe nails in all my years running. Dumb luck I guess.

joyRuN 3:20 PM, March 27, 2009  

Those black toenails are GONERS!

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