Sara, I Can See Your Crack...

>> Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This week, I’d like to share a story or 2 that DIDN’T make the cut in the “Tales of a Virgin Athlete.” The jurors said they had a hard time narrowing 34 down to 10, and they said that they LOVED all the stories! Here’s one that didn’t quite make it, but still got a larf (yes, “larf”) otta me:

“My Swimsuit Was See-Through: Things I Wish I Knew” by Sara Cox Landolt

Series: Things I Wish I Knew As a New Triathlete

I was staring at a woman's bottom. Squirming in my seat, I looked away from the big screen, embarrassed. I looked up and it was still there. While this opening scene worked for Scarlett Johansson in the film Lost in Translation, there's no way I'd do something similar, as a normal married mother of three. No way.

Well. I didn't know it, but each time I swam, like Scarlett, I was semi-flashing my behind through the worn-out sheer fabric of a well-used swimsuit. And no one told me. I had to wonder how long this unintentional display had been going on.

As a triathlete I love to swim. I'm not fast. I don't flip turn. But I adore swimming. During my third pregnancy I'd combine water aerobics with a short swim before or after class. I loved being in the water.

I first thought about my swimsuit's rear view during a water aerobics class. Mostly older women participated. Many ladies would do their own thing, talking right over the instructor. One morning I saw a lady getting out of the pool and I gasped, I could see her backside, almost 100%! Did she not know? Did she not care?

I didn't immediately make the connection, it took some time. And then I thought, "What about me? What about my swimsuit?" Yep. After a close inspection in the locker room, I determined it was. There was a vertical sheer swatch right down the center of where you'd want it least.

Some advice for new or current triathletes: Check your behind. Then with appropriate swimwear in hand hit the pool and enjoy one of the most rewarding sports on earth--triathlon!

Ha! I love that the photo she sent with her entry was from Lost in Translation!! I think that story is something we can ALL relate too. It’s happened to my wife. And it happened a little to me with my first Speedo Jammer. Unfortunately, Sara’s entry was short of making it to the Top 10 “Virgin Athlete” stories. Dang.

If you’d like to read the Top 10 and vote for your favorite (you can vote for up to 3), please CLICK HERE to check them out!!

OK, I’m off to try to get in a 55-60 mile ride! Wish me luck!! (I'll be back tomorrow with how the ride went, and back in 2 days with 2 more stories from the contest!)


ShirleyPerly 7:59 AM, March 17, 2009  

Ha, great story. My swim instructor was the one who told me I needed a new suit. Had no idea its backside was nearly sheer!

Carolina John 8:06 AM, March 17, 2009  

that is a good one! and i really like her blog.

Calyx Meredith 9:13 AM, March 17, 2009 Thanks for letting us read some of the other stories! Good luck on your ride.

Diana 10:27 AM, March 17, 2009  

OMG! My suit is soooo stretched out from the chlorine, now I better check my "backside" just to make sure everyone is just staring at my tattoos and not something else!

I Run for Fun 10:56 AM, March 17, 2009  

Ha! This is hilarious! I have no doubt I have semi-flashed several times!

Have a great ride.

brendaj 11:18 AM, March 17, 2009  

Wow, we will all have to check now. Glad your IM training is going well!

X-Country2 11:25 AM, March 17, 2009  

These stories have been so fun!

jen 11:44 AM, March 17, 2009  

I'm going to check my suit right now. Hilarious story!!

trimybest 12:30 PM, March 17, 2009  

i had that happen to me once except it was only the front of the suit. i noticed it myself one day after a swim! no idea how long it was like that but it was really sheer!

Sara Cox Landolt 1:06 PM, March 17, 2009  

Hey guys,
I'm glad you enjoyed the article!
And, yes, check your suit!

Definitely check out #2 in my series and weigh in with your experiences.

Velma 2:10 PM, March 17, 2009  

Thanks for posting Sara's story. It is such a small world - I rowed with Sara in WI, and I remember her training for her first tri.

I have also been there with the swimsuit. It happens so quickly. Do men have the same problems?

tfh 2:32 PM, March 17, 2009  

See, that's why I just wear a thong. So much less embarrassing.

(Kidding! Can you imagine swimming laps in one of those?)

filoli 3:57 PM, March 17, 2009  

Me too - only both sides!

I did start to notice that some odd birds (usually older men) were oddly stopping me at my turns to talk to me in the pool, but I just get in and swim, wrap a towel around me, walk straight to the showers AND NEVER ONCE LOOK AT A MIRROR.

Why would I?

One rare day my husband came down to check in with me and coordinate our after workout plans, I pull out midway from the water and he says "I can see through your entire bathing suit."

This is my husband - so naturally I don't believe him.


Continue on...get out, make a rare detour by the mirror and my jaw dropped - frankly, I would have been better off just swimming naked!

sRod 5:44 PM, March 17, 2009  

Reason #36,524 to not do a tri.

Anonymous,  4:55 AM, March 18, 2009  

I have to confess that I was looking forward to a picture. I have a riding buddy who had a similar situation with his cycling shorts. Not the kind of view I was looking for in the draft!

1010 Chris

The Boring Runner 11:13 PM, March 18, 2009  

Ohhh, that one would have got my vote too!

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