Ultimate Stocking Stuffer Giveaway!

>> Monday, December 13, 2010

Tomorrow I'm hosting the "Ultimate Stocking Stuffer Giveaway!" ANYONE can enter, and I'll pick one random winner. But you can't enter until TOMORRROW. In the meantime, TODAY I just have a quick post with the sweet gear in the upcoming giveaway.

First of all, big thanks to the beautiful people at Outside PR for giving away this great stuff!! Outside PR is the PR firm for all these great businesses.

ON TO THE STOCKING STUFFER GOODIES! There are 3 companies with cool stuff to give. Here they are in no particular order:

Ryders Eyewear. If you've seen a photo of me in sunglasses over the last year, there's a 99% chance that they were a pair of my Ryders. Here I am capturing a 5K PR this last spring, and I'm wearing my Ryders "Drills:"

And here I am about 2 months ago with my Ryders "VTX" - they have interchangeable lenses, so I put in the clear ones to protect my eyes while mountain-biking on an overcast day:

(Yeah, I know my helmet strap is loose, but I just wiped out 10 minutes earlier.
Everything got shifted. Don't be hatin'.)

So, for this giveaway, Ryders Eyewear wants to giveaway 2 pairs of sunglasses. FIRST, they want to giveaway a pair of the VTX with interchangeable lenses.

Ryders VTX

Here are photos of my pair of the VTX:

In their case


Everything on display

AND they want to giveaway a more casual (think "lounging around") pair of sunglasses: either the "Shreddie" or the "Grindhouse" (the winner gets to pick):

Ryders "Shreddie" (on top) and "Grindhouse" (on the bottom)

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Road ID. I'm gonna say it: if you go for long runs or long bike rides and you DON'T have a Road ID, you need to get one. ASAP. Be safe, people! Here I am on a long ride this past summer with my 2 brother-in-laws, and you can see my yellow Road ID on my wrist:

I wore it on the snowy run that I talked about in my last post. IT'S ONLY SMART. And, if you need Christmas ideas, nothing says "I love you and care about your safety" like getting a Road ID for a friend or family member!

For this giveaway, Road ID is giving the winner a giftcard that will cover the cost of most of their IDs INCLUDING shipping! So the winner can pick out and personalize ANY of their great products:

The NEW Wrist ID Elite

The Wrist ID

The Ankle ID

The 9 colors of the Wrist ID Elite

(BTW, Pharmie and I both have the Wrist ID, and we both have had no problems with it. Pharmie actually has 2 - a black and a pink version.)

Road ID is also giving away a hat and a pair of socks:

Road ID Hat and Socks

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GU Gels. There's always a workout or a race where you need a little something. How about some gels from Gu? I haven't met a flavor I didn't like. (And their primo line of "Roctane" is great stuff!!)

For this giveaway, Gu is giving away 3 different 6-count boxes of their gels: 2 of their holiday flavors (Vanilla Gingerbread and Mint Chocolate) and one box of whatever the winner wants!

Vanilla Gingerbread

Mint Chocolate

[Your pick!]

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So, we've got 2 pairs of shades, a Road ID, a hat, some socks, and 3 kinds of gel for the winner. Sweet! In total, that's nearly $170 of sweet goodies to stuff your stocking with! And this doesn't have to be for you - anyone can enter, so you can enter and hope you win a sweet goodie package for that "sporty" loved one!

But, the contest DOES NOT start today! It starts TOMORROW, so stop back then to throw your name in the hat. And one final thanks to the sexually attractive people at Outside PR, Ryders Eyewear, Road ID, and Gu for helping to put together the "Ultimate Stocking Stuffer Giveaway!" Again, stop back TOMORROW to enter!!

FYI: I wasn't offered any sort of compensation to host this giveaway or to say these kind things. I simply love this stuff. This is no different from any other giveaway / contest I've ever done. The words above are not the words of the PR firm or the companies who make the gear - they are all my words. I use and love this stuff. I just felt compelled to note that.


Chris and Amy 5:58 AM, December 13, 2010  

I squealed a little when I saw the VTX! I can't wait to enter tomorrow!

Lucas R. Tucker 7:57 AM, December 13, 2010  

Sounds like the best give away ever!!!

meeyeehere 9:20 AM, December 13, 2010  

Gotta come back tomorrow!!!!!DANG!!! I want to enter now! Poo

SteveQ 10:37 AM, December 13, 2010  

On the Road IDs, did you notice Jamie's brother lives with his parents and she switched who to call there? Sounds like a story...

Steve Stenzel 12:56 PM, December 13, 2010  

SteveQ: Ha! I never noticed that! His brother and his parents have the same number... maybe they all live together... ;)

Suzana 3:31 PM, December 13, 2010  

That's such a sweet picture- the one on top!

Tina Marie Parker 3:52 PM, December 13, 2010  

I'm in tomorrow. I ha ve to take a work break to throw my name in!

Suzy 7:06 PM, December 13, 2010  

I'll be back tomorrow...so, ~4 hours until tomorrow, right?!

chunter4,  9:35 AM, December 14, 2010  

Is it tomorrow yet? This looks like a sweet give away and I want in. I do have to admit I was hoping for a speedo to be in the mix.

great blog!


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All content and original images copyright 2006 - 2025 by Steve Stenzel, AKA "Steve in a Speedo." All Rights Reserved.
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