Week In Review: Some SPRINTS!

>> Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Here's what last week's training looked like:

It started FAST because I did 50s in the pool on Monday, and sprints on the trainer on Tuesday. I posted a week ago that I'm doing an indoor tri this upcoming weekend, and I felt like that was good timing to get in some little bursts of speedwork.

• MON: 25x50 in the pool (and some core). I loved this workout of 50s a few years ago, but I've had to keep myself from doing them because of shoulder issues for the last few years. (I posted a lot about this workout in this post from 3 years ago.) It calls for 50x50, but I just did 25 being I didn't want to kill my shoulder. Here's what the workout says:

Main Set: 50×50 (aka 10 rounds of 5×50) All on 50” or 10” rest (50” is lowest interval, take 10” if you’re touching the wall past 45”), then 30 secs rest between sets of 5.

• #1: Easy
• #2: Breathe every 3rd stroke
• #3: 25 fast/25 easy
• #4: Breathe every 5th stroke
• #5: FAST!

I was happy with my times and with the effort: my "fast" final 50s of each set were 0:36.02, 0:37.57, 0:36.78, 0:37.25, and 0:36.31 (averaging 0:36.8).

• TUES: sprints on the trainer (and PT leg work). I did Spinnervals 23.0 (part C), followed by a little of part A as well. It was a lot of quick hard all out sprints. I haven't done that workout in a long time. Two good days of back-to-back sprint efforts!

• WED: 6.5 mile treadmill run (and some upper body). My legs were HEAVY after 2 days of short hard efforts. I didn't push it.

• THURS: 200s in the pool (and some core). Nothing fancy.

• FRI: 5.5 mile treadmill run (and some legs). Again, nothing fancy.

• SAT: easy trainer ride (and some upper body).

• SUN: 8.8 mile run (and some legs). This was my first outside run since the end of last month when I ran with the boys! Either it's been too slick outside, or the timing hasn't worked with our life, so my last 5 runs before this were all inside. SOOO happy to be outside. I didn't run fast on this 0 degree Sunday morning (-12 windchill), but I ran pretty even 1/2 mile splits: from the start through mile 8 looked like this: 3:32, 3:39, 3:37, 3:39, 3:38, 3:36, 3:42, 3:33, 3:34, 3:39, 3:31, 3:26, 3:26, 3:23, 3:36, 3:27.


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