Morning Bike Workout (and Lack of Privacy)

>> Saturday, February 24, 2018

This morning, I hopped on the trailer for 80 minutes. I did a Spinervals workout and worked up a nice sweat:


My wife works this weekend, but the boys are good watching cartoons for a bit, then turning off the TV to play (and coming down to talk to me if there are any issues). I called Henry down when I was about 10 minutes from the end and asked him to start pouring me a hot bath upstairs. I wanted to take a epsom salt bath post-spin, but we didn't have a ton of time.

When I got upstairs and hopped in the tub (thanks Henry!), the boys wouldn't leave, so we just chatted. Here was my view as I was having a nice soak:

No privacy here. (Henry loves that hat, and he wears it ALL the time. Obviously.)

Oh, also, I tweeted this earlier today (after my spin):

Happy weekend!


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