A Track Meet for the Boys

>> Monday, February 12, 2018

Saturday was the "Kids Fieldhouse Fun Run" put on by Twin Cities in Motion at the University of Minnesota fieldhouse. Henry and Charlie both wanted to race. Charlie was up first, so Henry hung back with me and got his race number pinned on:

Mama's pic of Charlie before his race. Note to the women in the back: can I borrow your tights?

Charlie at the end of his 2nd lap. GO CHARLIE!

A big wave for me and Henry.

Feeling rough 3 out of 4 laps into his 1/2 mile race.

He was DYING of thirst and was having a rough time in that photo above. My wife figured he'd quit, but when he heard there was water after he finished, he SPRINTED off to start his final lap:

Selfie with Henry during Charlie's last lap.

An awkward high five for his brother before finishing.

Across the line! A half mile in around 8 minutes.

The kids got SWEET hats, and Charlie FINALLY got his water! :)

Awkward stretching led by Team USA MN runner Heather Kampf.
(Only awkward for my boys. #ProofThereAreMine)

Henry (orange) weaseled his way to a perfect spot at the
inside of the track for the start of the 1st graders race!

CARNAGE at the start! A number of kids went down. Henry managed to miss the pileup.
He said he had to jump over someone's arm.

After 1 lap!

After 2 laps!

After 4 laps, starting to get a side-stitch.

Henry wanted to do a full mile. Kids could stop whenever they wanted to, but he WANTED to do 8 laps. He finished 4 laps in 5:07, and then took a walk break.

6 of 8 laps done!

Coming to the finish after 8 laps! There's so few kids not because
Henry was slow, but because hardly any did 8 full laps. NICE JOB HENRY!!

I think the fastest kid to do a mile did it in about 7:30, and he made it look easy. Henry ran a 5:55 final half mile for (roughly) an 11:02 mile. And probably only about 10-20% of the first graders actually did a full mile. So proud of you Henry!

The dudes with their medals post-race.

From Instagram later that night: a date night with my cutie. :)


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