Indoor Tri in 12 Days!!

>> Tuesday, February 06, 2018

I just decided to sign up for the Indoor Tri at my gym: the YWCA of Minneapolis. This time, I'm doing the "sprint" distance which is the middle of the 3 distances. I've done the shortest distance twice before, and the longest distance once before, and I decided on the middle distance for 2 reasons: first, I'd never tried that one before; and second, running 9 more laps on the small track and spinning super fast for another 2 "miles" on a spin bike might not be great for my still-not-quite-100% knee.

When I registered, I had to put in my predicted times so I'm placed in the correct wave (hopefully the "fast" wave), and here's what I put:

I looked back at my 3 previous indoor tris at the Y to come up with those times (first the "mini sprint" in 2014 just after joining our Y, then the "long distance" in 2015 [where I raced friend Lisa L], and finally the "mini sprint" in 2017). Here's how I got to those numbers:

FOR THE SWIM, I was at 1:30 pace doing 600 yards 3 years ago, but that also might have been the peak of my swim fitness. I was just under 1:30 pace for 400 yards last year, and I think I can *just* break 1:30 pace in 2 weeks.

FOR THE BIKE, who really knows??!? It's just all about RPMs on a spin bike, so it's nothing really like actual cycling (last year, I biked at 42.6 mph - totally normal cycling for me). If I were to hold the same pace moving up from 8 to 10 miles this year, I'd finish the bike in 14:05. I was registering really quickly, and I didn't run the math like I did now. I don't expect to be quite as fast, but I THINK I can be sub-15.

FOR THE RUN, I've done the 1 mile in the "super sprint" in under 5:30 both times. And the 5K in the "long" distance race in 5:54 pace (but that was a spring with lots of good running miles). As I'm writing this, I'm wondering if I could really do more like 11:30, or 5:45 pace. We'll see!

So, a prediction (not a "goal"):

- 7:25 for 500 yd swim
- 1:08 T1
- 14:45 for a 10 "mile" bike
- 0:02 T2
- 11:35 for a 2 mile run

- 33:55 finishing time

We'll see what happens in 12 days! The public is welcome to come and cheer, so stop on by!


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