My Toe Can Do Tricks

>> Monday, February 26, 2018

Well, just ONE trick.

After a swim last week, I hopped in the hot tub and my dead toe from the end of 2017 felt a little weird. I went into the locker room and inspected it:

It had turned less purple a few weeks ago after a swim. The dead/dried blood soaked out.

Side view. Looks dead, but still OK.

BUT OH LORD! IT CAN DO THIS!! This is what I felt it doing
in the hot tub - it was flipping back as I walked into the water.

Nearly pulled off. It was just a LITTLE attached on the far left.

See ya later.

I don't know if you can tell, but there was a pretty much fully formed new toenail under that dead one. So things are looking up. Here's to 2018 and new toenails.


T 9:59 AM, February 26, 2018  

Since I've never really lost a toenail while running ... but destroyed one on a grocery cart while wearing flip-flops (I know ...) - how long do they take to come back "normal"?

Steve Stenzel 12:10 PM, February 26, 2018  

T, this is the first time one fell off so dramatically for me. Usually, it just slowly gets "pushed" out by a new nail. This one got hurt on a run 9 weeks ago, so that's how long it took to fall off (well, 8 weeks because it happened last week). And now, there's nearly a normal nail in it's place (that's hard to tell from the photos). Maybe in 2 weeks it will look like nothing has happened. So, roughly 10-11 weeks for me from HURT to FIXED.

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