>> Monday, December 08, 2014

The first ever "Beer Mile World Championship" took place last week. Here's the video of the men's race as they chased the world beer mile record of 4:57. I won't give any spoilers, you'll just have to watch. (And it's great how the announcers get so into it - it's a legit event!)

6-7 seconds for a beer? Holy nuts. That just shows you how much my 20-40 second performances sucked. (Which I've known all along.)

Oh, and here's a post from 2 weeks ago where elite athletes talk about their beer mile experiences (including track star Nick Symmonds who was part of the video above).


Richard C. 3:51 PM, December 08, 2014  

I am working on perfecting the drinking portion of the event. If I ever perfect it (unlikely), then I will work on the running portion of the event!

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