New Personal Challenge for the 24 Hour Relay THIS WEEKEND

>> Tuesday, December 09, 2014

So the 24 Hour Relay / Fundraiser for my college buddy Aaron is coming together nicely. I'm confirming times with everyone, and we MAY have 1 hour still open early Friday afternoon. (Anyone want to show up at 2 pm to possibly run?) I have about 30 orange cones in my trunk, and I have a big "finish line timer" sitting in my kitchen:

Actually, I think I'll just keep this here - I'll have no excuses for ever overcooking anything!

And I got "official" word yesterday that ANYONE CAN COME AND RUN WITH US during normal building hours! So if you want to stop by and show your support for Aaron and his family by running some laps with us, please do! We will count "extra" laps that people come and run to our total, so help us add to our miles! (We'll also be accepting cash and check donations in-person during the relay.)

Here's a map that I'll be sending to the relay runners tomorrow, and I figured I'd pass it on to all of you:

Enter Walker Fieldhouse at it's main entrance in the "quad" just south of the big outdoor track complex.

Hamline is just 1 mile north of I-94 on Snelling Avenue. I usually park on the street just east of the edge of this map (just on the other side of the parking lot). Then it's an easy and safe 2-3 block walk to the Walker Fieldhouse. You'll just have to tell the person at the front desk of the fieldhouse that you're there for the 24 hour relay on the indoor track, and he/she will point you in the right direction.

I want to drum up some last-minute donations for Nora and Ralph. There's a bit to go before I hit my fundraising goal for them:

So here's what craziness I propose:

When I'm at the track over the 24 Hour Relay, I'll do planks. Lots of planks. I thought I'd be able to do 30 minutes, and then I figured I might be able to do 60 minutes of planks. I'd be doing them 1-2 minutes at a time, and always with other people around (to verify that I'm not cutting my time short). I'll do standard elbow planks. If I do side planks, I'll count that as half time (meaning if I do 1 min on my right and 1 min on my left, I'll count that as 1 minute total).

Does anyone want to pledge me in my "plank challenge?" If you pledge $0.25/min, that'd be around $15 in the end. If you pledge $1/min, that'd be around $60. You get the idea. ANYONE WANT TO MAKE ME SUFFER?!? (I'll max out at 75 minutes if things are really going strong.) If people pledge me, I'll be less likely to drop out after 30 minutes.

Comment with a pledge and/or tweet me a pledge (and I'll re-tweet it), and then wait to see how many minutes of planks I can do between noon on Friday and noon on Saturday.

- Let us know you're coming to the event (and get updates) by joining this Facebook event.
- Give to Nora and Ralph on our YouCaring page (or bring cash or check in person).
- Get more info on Aaron's story and the 24 hour relay in my first blog post about it last week.

UPDATE: The husband of one of the relay runners worked with Aaron at Colle+McVoy, and they are providing some bagels and juice (or something along those lines), so there will be some goodies at the track for the runners. Thanks!! Stay tuned all week and ESPECIALLY from noon on Friday though noon on Saturday for updates! I'll probably be tweeting a lot, so keep an eye on my tweets (which is also embedded in the right sidebar here on my blog). Come run with us Fri/Sat!!


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